18. "I Need You."

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I had to make sure I had everything: every little piece of clothing, every precautionary toiletry, my journal. I took inventory twice to make sure I hadn't missed anything or forgotten anything back at Baker Street.

My flight was leaving in two hours, so I checked out of the hotel. I was tempted to text Bayley, but I remembered the time difference. He would still be sleeping, being that it was five in the morning in Maryland. He wasn't going to be up for at least another hour and a half. I decided to let him sleep as I got in the cab.

Hopefully the next time I come here is much later. The next time I'd come, I'd have a half-sibling. Would they resemble their parents equally, or would they look more like one parent compared to the other? I knew I was a mix of my dad and mom; I had my mom's green eyes and probably her dark hair. My dad didn't have hair as dark as my natural color.

If I'd gotten up early and thought about it, I could have stopped by Baker Street to visit Mrs. Hudson. I could always still call her. I'm sure she'd enjoy that every now and again. Sometimes I wished I could bring her home with me.

Once I climbed out of the cab with my things, the only thing separating me from home was time and checkpoints. Feeling eager to be home and remain in a time zone for a while, I briskly trotted in. The airport seemed to be a little less full compared to the last time I'd been in here. Once I got through security, I had some time left over, so I bought myself a breakfast sandwich. I ate as I searched for my terminal.

I found my terminal after maneuvering past people going the opposite way I was. I planted my butt in one of the seats, realizing I had some minutes to kill. I pulled out my journal and a pen, tapping it briefly before writing.

Dear Journal,

Well, it's done. The wedding is over. Compared to Max and Darien's, this was far more interesting. There's too much to go into, but let's just say Sherlock managed to solve two cases in a day, though one was much earlier than the one at the wedding. I know Kendal and Madison will freak out when I tell them the story, they're such Sherlock fanatics. If they ever meet him, I hope their attitudes change. True, he may be very intelligent, but he's still an ass.

Mary Morstan is now Mary Watson. She is also the mother of my father's second child. I'm not happy with it. Maybe it's First-Born Syndrome, because I feel threatened by this newcomer. It's pretty sad to think that I should be intimidated by a being that isn't even born yet.

I think this is just temporary; my mind is still trying to process it all. Just like with my impression of Mary taking Dad's last name, I'll come to realize that they'll be happy, that their baby will be a good thing in their life. I need to push the negative emotion out of me first before I can be happy for them.

"I wouldn't recommend trying to board."

My head snapped up. What the hell? I jumped away as I realized Sherlock was next to me. When did he get here? I wasn't writing that long!

"When did you—how—? Are you stalking me?"

Sherlock didn't answer.

"What did you do?" I growled.

"I'll never tell." His blue-gray eyes observed passersby.

"Don't tell me you plan to leave London."

"I came here for you."

"Me? Why?"

Sherlock hesitated. "I need help with a case."

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