26. The Nightmare

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I couldn't keep still; some part of me had to be moving. I'd sit on the couch or one of the chairs before moving to another spot. I'd roam around the apartment, holding myself together. I'd gotten past the greetings when coming back from the visit.

I shuddered. That visit. I knew something had been wrong with Mary from the moment I met her. They'd called me crazy and overprotective just because I had a bad feeling about her, yet I reminded both Dad and Sherlock how it wasn't any different from when Sherlock didn't believe that I wasn't on Moriarty's side, that I wanted nothing to do with the man.

When was the perfect time to tell Dad that Mary was wasn't who she said she was, that she was an accomplice of someone who wanted to get to Sherlock? I had contemplated telling them the moment I got in the apartment, but then when I saw Dad was with Sherlock, I couldn't do it. I could have easily told Sherlock what I knew, because I knew he would bluntly address it to Dad. But of course, that would have been possible if Dad hadn't been present.

I didn't have the heart to tell Dad that the woman he loved would eventually betray him and that I had been right from the very beginning.

It shocked me that neither of them picked up on my nervous habits. If Sherlock did, he didn't find them particularly interesting enough to make him wonder what was wrong. Dad, well, I was sure he had other things on his mind.

I was sprawled on the couch, drowning out everything with my thoughts. I couldn't help it if my brain replayed what happened at the apartment: how I had called her out, how she had proven me right. I closed my eyes shut, wishing the memory away.

Like Sherlock's "suicide," what happened earlier today wouldn't be forgotten easily.

I didn't even flinch as someone walked by me to greet whoever was at the door. My trance was killed the moment I heard my name. Dazedly, I sat up, stretching briefly before joining Dad, who was followed by Greg and Donovan.

My heart hammered in my chest, drowning out any conversation near me. Everyone's lips were moving, but I wasn't listening. God, what if they're here for me? What if she went straight to Scotland Yard after she woke up? That is going to come back to bite me. I should have knocked her out even more. I hated to think such a bad thought.

"Rachel?" Greg snapped his fingers in front of me. I jumped.

"I'm sorry," I apologized. "Did you ask me something?"

"No, I said we're here for you."

Shit. "Why would you be?" Surprisingly, my voice didn't tremble.

"We have a warrant for your arrest."


"You can't be serious, Greg," Dad interjected. "What could she have possibly done?"

"What's my 'crime' exactly?" I demanded hotly.

"You're under arrest for the murder of Mary Watson." Donovan delivered the news bluntly.

All eyes were on me. Dad and I looked to each other, having the same looks on our faces. My eyes snapped back to Greg, then at Donovan.

What was this madness? How could Mary have been murdered by me? No...I stopped when she was unconscious.

"No..." My heart clenched. "How can you believe for a second that I would murder Mary? I mean, I've had violent thoughts, I'll admit to that, but to actually commit murder?"

"What proof do you have on her?" Sherlock finally voiced.

I let out a breath. I knew he had been listening. It kind of shocked me that he hadn't made some sarcastic comment. If he had, I must have not been paying much attention.

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