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The more people I meet, the less I want to leave the house

The more I think the more I wish I was just a mouse

The more people there are around, the more alone I feel

The more I think about it, the more I reinvent the wheel.

Asking me what's wrong, you should learn to let it be

I say sorry to my friends all the time because they're stuck with me.

Because everyone's got troubles, but I'm living my own,

Wishing I could look up the solution on my phone

And sure, everyone's got troubles, I'm not special

But things get rough when the only friend you've got is a pencil.

Wading through life without a destination

Living through life with constant aggravation

I've been thinking, that's contemplation

I feel like I am my own nation.

And let me tell you, the leader's got xenophobia

But I'm not gaining any land, I'm no Zenobia.

Shifting through the fog whispering to myself "if only,"

But I shut people out if they ask, I act phoney, like I'm not missing a thing

But if loneliness was here, I might as well give it a ring.

Because everyone's got troubles, but I'm living my own,

Wishing I could look up the solution on my phone

And sure, everyone's got troubles, I'm not special

But things get rough when the only friend you've got is a pencil.

Yours Truly, Me.Where stories live. Discover now