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You went down the stairs of your house and into the kitchen once more, after you cleaned yourself up; the faint stench of eggs was still present, but not as pungent as before.

You inspected the tiled floors and granite counters of your kitchen, it was spotless; he must've actually listened to you, tidying up the mess he made. By now, he would have already shifted back into a human, that would teach him to be more responsible because he isn't exactly 100% human by all means.

You raised your eyebrows, impressed when you saw a plastic bag of groceries lying next to your sink on the counter. He'd actually taken the time to compensate for the loss of your precious eggs and butter.

By the soft tapping and clicking of buttons, and the sounds of a game being played in your living room, you knew that he was playing overwatch. You smiled, at least you had time to make breakfast.

You slid on an apron and got to work, cracking four eggs into a mixing bowl, whisking it till' they were all mixed. You opened your fridge and added a generous amount of milk while heating up the pan you added butter to it, waiting until you could add the eggs. You got out the pepper and chopped up the peppers and green onions.

" Can you add some carrots?" You heard him call out from your living room couch, you smiled softly and responded.

"Aren't carrots like candy for you bunnies? You shouldn't be eating sweets in the morning." You teased.

"Surprised?" You turned around and saw him standing in front of you.

You heard him grumble with disapproval, and before you knew it, he'd looped his arms around your waist and as you cooked the eggs, burying his face into the crook of your neck once more.

"But I got you your groceries..." He pouted against your skin, and his black bunny ears drooped, ticking your face.

"Jungkook, I can't cook with you hugging me, and how did you get the groceries so fast?" You inquired.

He smiled his toothy grin, lifting his face from your neck and looking at you.
"I felt bad for wasting your ingredients so I bought more."

He waved his phone in the air.
"Jin got it for me"

You rolled your eyes at that and turned to pinch his cheeks, loosening his grip on your waist.

"You cheap little bunny, I bet you didn't even pay." You smiled.

It was true though Jungkook's family was rather wealthy, he was pretty cheap when it came to mundane things.

He pouted, "I'm not cheap! I paid for a meal before! And a couple of items too!" He declared.

You chuckled and let go of his cheeks,
"And how long was that in the past, Mr. Jeon?".

He blushed in embarrassment, Caging you in his big muscly arms, his signature smirk coming to rise from his face.

"What did you say? Y/N" he said softly with a smirk.

You narrowed your eyes and put your hands on his waist with a 'sweet' smile.
"Jeon, Jungkook. Is. Very. Thrifty."

You pinched his waist, making him his and he let go of his guard. Without wasting time you made a run for it, escaping the demonic muscle rabbit of impending doom.

"Ya! Y/N come back here!" He called after you, but you were already bursting up the stairs, your joyous laughter filling the house.

You ran and he chased you around the house for fifteen minutes, until you dropped on the couch like a missile, dead tired. He pounced on top of you, trapping you with his enormous body, as he put his hands to the sides of your face, edging his face close to yours'.

"Tell me that I'm the sexiest, hot, strong, handsome, and charming boy in the whole world." He demanded cockily.

"Never!" You spat out in amusement as you tried to wriggle away from his grasp. but to no avail

He shrugged his shoulders and began to mercilessly begin his onslaught of tickling.

"Stop it Jungkook!" You screamed out helplessly, laughing.

"No, baby girl. Say the magic words.~~"

"But-" You tried to wheeze out.

He raised an eyebrow, stopping his torture to hear give you an opportunity to speak.

"The eggs are burning, and it's our breakfast." You giggled.

He rolled his eyes and said,

"Then let them burn because you're not telling the truth right now."

Holy fck, you really didn't want your breakfast to burn, you didn't care if his portion did. But it was both of yours.

" I only speak the truth, I'm getting up to cook." You demanded.

He pouted and smiled.

" No, you're not Y/N, not until you say it."

"Yes I am!" You squealed out as he traced his fingers along your sides.

"I'll kiss youuuuuuu if you don't~" He threatened.

You scrunched up your face, showing your apparent disgust.


He inched his face close, eyes holding your own.

"You're the hottest, most charming, smartest, and sexiest boy on Earth." You whispered begrudgingly.

He huffed and lifted himself off of you, proud of himself.

You sprinted to the eggs, managing them and putting them on two plates so they wouldn't get burnt.

Jungkook approached you and sniffed at the eggs, smiling like a kid.

"yummieeeee~~~" He grinned and abruptly stopped when his phone rung in his pocket.

He groaned as he read the caller ID, you could already guess who it was. His annoying ass girlfriend, well soon to be ex because he's had tons of girlfriends in the past- which he uses for you knowwww, EHem...

You looked at him in disappointment and but smiled nonetheless.

"At least eat breakfast before going."

He scarfed down the eggs like a pig and you looked at him with a un-adulterated show of disgust written all over your face.

"ew" You exclaimed.

He reached for you to hug you, ignoring his still buzzing phone on the countertop.

" Thanks, Y/N-ieeee" He sang out.

" I promise to hang out with you later, I have to go now."

"Pinky promise?" You asked softly.

He smiled with affection clear in his chocolate eyes as he hooked his pinky with his own.

"Pinky promise."


One more chance (Jungkook x reader)Where stories live. Discover now