what is this? why me?

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When Haneul opened his eyes, he saw a blur figure in the kitchen, he rubbed his eyes several times but he still couldn't focus, he searched for his glasses but he couldn't find them on the table. He got up from the couch and made his way to the 'figure', as he walked closer he realized it was Ash, with her head laid on the table.
"Ash?" Haneul asked in a low husky voice, but there was no reply
He poked her but she didn't move, he poked her again but still no results
"Ash!" he said a little louder, shaking her strongly this time
She pushed his hand away, "don't touch me.." she said in a weak groggily voice
"are you okay?" he asked, sitting down next to her, he wasn't having a good morning either.
"i want to throw up.." both of them at the same time
Ash lifted her head and turned to look at Haneul, "what happened to your colour? you're so pale.." she said touching his forehead
Haneul shook his head, "you don't feel good? you want to throw up?" he asked her
She nodded, 
"but you can't.." he whispered, remembering the time she told him she can't throw up.
"what about you? you look like you're going to fall down any second.." Ash said to him, "probably indigestion.." she thought
"my head feels heavy and my stomach feels weird.." he complained

Ash nodded, "I'll make something warm for you to drink, it'll cure your sickness..do you think you can go wash up?" she asked

Haneul nodded, he got up and went to the room to get his clothes and other essentials, while Ash started making the magic drink.

He came out of the bathroom, his hair was wet and he looked even more paler now, he could hardly walk, he collapsed on the couch
Ash set a big mug on the coffee table and sat down next to him, "get up..drink this.." she said as she took a spoonful of it and blew on it, "open your mouth.." she whispered as she put fed him the drink with the spoon
"how does it taste?" she asked, Haneul just shook his head, disapproving it's taste

Ash let out a small laugh, "in any case, finish this up and rest for a while..I'll go get the medicine from the market.." she said, putting the mug aside and getting up but Haneul held her hand and stopped her, "don't go..I don't think I have the stamina to drink this myself, help me.." he said
"Haneul I-" before she could say anything, her phone started ringing, it was Yoona, "oh..Yoona, good morning!" she chirped
Haneul looked at her in shock, how was she acting all fine when she really wasn't feeling okay, 
"send me the address, I'll be there in twenty minutes!" she said as she got up and went to the room
When she came out, she was wearing one of Haneul's t-shirt's and her own pair of jeans, she had her hair tied up in a bun and she was wearing her glasses
"you going somewhere?" Haneul asked, eyeing her from head to toe
"yes, today's the big day.." she said as she wore her socks, limping around as she wore them while standing, "I have to go get dressed up..we'll see each other when we do.." she fixed her clothes one last time and then walked towards the door to wear her shoes
Haneul didn't move from the couch, he was shocked, tired and confused
"Finish the drink and then get dressed..see you!" she waved as she left the house

"WHAT!?" Ash shouted as she tried running out of the salon, but Flora pulled her back inside and forced her on the seat
"Ash! why are you running away from this? you had to get this done sooner or later..now is the perfect time.." Flora scolded, then she looked at Yoona and winked
"but! that's not what we decided!" she retaliated
"Ash..everything will be alright.." Yoona assured as she gave her the sweetest smile
"Bro..you're here..you look.." Joon scratched his head as he took in Haneul's look
"why?" Haneul asked, looking down at his clothes, he was wearing a checkered shirt and beige pants, he looked good, there was no denying that but he was a little under-dressed for the ocassion
"do you attend your important meetings wearing clothes like this?" Joon asked as he led Haneul inside the building
Haneul shook his head, "I..no, not really, I wear suits to meetings, but since it's a little reunion kind of thing, I thought a casual look would be good.." he explained as he looked around, 
"why did you call me here?" he asked Joon
"because I was so damn sure you'd do this, plus I have been ordered to take care of all your matters..and for now, the biggest problem and matter of fact is that you're not dressed for a wedding function.." Joon said as he clicked his fingers and a man appeared out of nowhere
"oh..right.." Haneul rubbed his eye, "the big day Ash was talking about.." he shook his head, laughing at himself, how could he forget today.
"but bro you look really pale.." Joon pointed out, pulling out a chair for Haneul
Haneul nodded, "I'm fine now, I wasn't feeling really well in the morning but thanks to Ash, I feel much better now!" he said
"Thanks to Ash..?" Joon asked,
"OH! I uh called her and um.." Haneul moved his hands vaguely, "told her my condition and she told me to.." he scratched his ear
"okay..I get it, she must've suggested a medicine.." Joon tried suppressing his laughter, he knew Haneul was lying but he wasn't sure about what.
"yea.." Haneul agreed, "so, can I change now? we're supposed to be at the venue in 2 hours, and I have a very important meeting with a client in 4 hours, so a 2 hours function is..good enough, right?" Haneul asked

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