Romeo Juliet or Terror Rivals....

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Thanks for the huge response... Im so happy that many liked the casts of this story...

Let me clear one thing.... Here no one is villain is this story... Circumstances made sid and tanu to look like villains but in real its not...

Tanu considers abhi like her elder brother while sid changed his mind after knowing that pragya is married... He considers her like his younger sister and loves aaliya after that ...

The real villains of this story is the main leads abhi and pragya only... Their egos, misunderstandings, lack of trust, inferiority complex, professional rifts, the attutide to show who is the better lawyer makes them far apart....

Will the broken souls unite????

What made them to get separated???

Keep guessing and stay tuned....

So shall we have a quick look at the teaser of this story...

Its the past (Romeo juliet) vs the present (Terror rivals) ...


Don't you know abhi and pragya are the romeo and Juliet of this law college... They are inseparable and they are like shadows.. wherever they are, they will be seen together only... Their romance is alwaya at its peak...

Don't you know... The prosecutor Pragya Madam and the famous criminal lawyer abhishkeh sir are arch rivals. . They hate each other's presence a lot.... They will rip of each other with their eyes... Always they end up in a big war...

Fuggy... You are the beautiful thing that happened in my life....... We have to spend our whole life like this joining hand in hand...
(Says dreamily the 14 year old abhi to the 14 year old pragya)

Pragya you are the biggest curse of my life... I hate being with you... I regret for spending my days with you.... (The 27 old abhi scowls on the 27 year old pragya)

Abhi...  we are inseparable .. There won't be any separation between us... Even death can take us together only... I won't leave you alone and I will be with you forever. .

Abhii... I'm fed up with what all you have done to me... You didn't believed me... what's the use in living with you... I want divorce from you... Its better we will get separated... Its good for you and me.... I want to leave you forever...

Abhi... How dare you.... How did you thought to leave me alone for the football training... I will kill you if you did like that... I too will join you... I don't mind even only boys are only permitted ..

No buts and ifs.... Go and tell your coach that I cant leave my darling biwi abruptly... Is that clear??? Tell him that you will come to training only when I'm permitted to come over with you... My decision is the final... Go...

Just leave me alone abhi... Why are you following and clinging to me like a dog... Cant you give some privacy to me??? Now a days, you are irritating me so much.... Please give some space for me to breath on my own....

Why are you doing like this??? Who the hell had created rules that everything should be done only after marriage... Better you make me yours now or else.... (Said pragya angrily)

It's my will and wish whether to be with you or not... Even though im your wife, you can't force me like this... It will come under rape Mister criminal lawyer Abhishek mehra .. I can very well sue you, if you try to misbehave with me or cross your limits or force your right as a husband....

Fuggy... My baby darling... It's our marriage day dear... Be happy... Im with you always... Don't feel bad dear.... Don't cry please.. I also will cry if you do so....

Pragya .. I regret marrying you... Why everyone left you with me??? From that day you are torturing me like anything.... Im ashamed of marrying you...

Abhi: You are going to be the best lawyer fuggy... I will be proud to be called as a husband of pragya...

Pragya: So you are.... Abhi you are highly talented... You will be the best of out of the best... I will be happiest to hear my abhi is the best lawyer ..

Abhi: Dont fly with pride Miss. Pragya... You are nothing but a waste shit... I know how you get famous soon... I know about your cheap tricks...

Dont you feel ashamed as a woman to do that... How come you stoop low to gain popularity... Shame on you.... I regret being you love and husband...  Disgusting....

Pragya: Mind your words abhi... I know what Im doing... You have no rights to question me... Don't behave as if you are a pure soul...

I know how much you are entertaining the big shots to gain  popularity... The whole world knows its you who run after money and not me... Dare to mess up in my personal life, I will kill you....

So, that's all for the teaser guys...

How is it???

In past, they are madly in love with each other.... But in present, they hate each other a lot...

So, what's in stores for them???

Who are they actually???

How did abhi and pragya knows each other????

What's their past, how they love, how they got married, what's make them to get separated is all the hidden mystery behind this story????

So, wait for sometime....

All your questions are going to be answered....

Expecting all your love and support more to write this story....

Cast your votes and pen down your views...


Yours buddy,


Signing off....

Will be


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