10. Love can risk anything, expecting nothing in return

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Thanks for all the love and support...

I know last update, many said that
I made you all to cry a lot... Really I'm very sorry... The story demands that so only I have to do that... Even it took me 3 days to type that shot as Im a sentimental fool who cries a lot while typing.... 😂😂😂😂

This shot also going to be  little bit emotional , but you will get to see some happy moments  too...


Warning: Read at your own risk...

May contain some mature contents and some unexpected scenes and some emotional moments too..

Those who are not comfortable to read further, may skip this part...

Strictly no bashing is allowed...


🔹The worst kind of pain, a heart can bear is that when you can't explain why you are doing all those unwanted things and behaving very badly...🔹

🔹Crying is nothing but the words the heart speaks, when the lips are not in a condition to explain the pain you feel....🔹

🔹The broken heart is always be able to love harder than the most...  The broken mind replays what the heart can't delete... But the broken heart and mind never forgets the pure love and keeps it as a beautiful memory...🔹


Abhi is sitting lifeless in the couch and is crying too hard not able to bear what Dr. Disha said about Pragya... Sid, Aaliya, Disha and Tanu are trying all their might to control and console abhi... But the pain inside Abhi's heart is bleeding through his eyes....

Abhi is feeling that he is left alone in the extreme darkness of a horrible night where he is standing helpless to find out his fuggy

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Abhi is feeling that he is left alone in the extreme darkness of a horrible night where he is standing helpless to find out his fuggy ... He is imagining himself as of a man who lost his shadow and searching for the shadow to return back to him...

Abhi holds his head tightly as he feels completely dizzy... Its almost a day, since abhi had food... A day before, Abhi skipped to have breakfast as he has an important work... Later, during lunch time, abhi has to rush up as his daughter abhigya is being kidnapped....

After all the dramas with the kidnapper, abhi was not able to have an ounce of water too as he is completely broken down because of seeing his fuggy's devastated state after returning from there... As he was  taking care of abhigya and pragya with all his might, abhi completely forget to have food...

Abhi is completely drained out because of lack of energy... His mind is not in a condition to think of his physical state, rather his main focus in only on bringing his fuggy out from danger... Abhi's head spins and sid who is keenly watching abhi's movements rushes up and holds him...

Lost My SHADOW- Abhigya SS By CrazyMahiz... (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now