12. If you give up on me, I'm gonna give up on me too...

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Just 3 more shots to go, to end this story...

Expecting all your whole hearted support to finish of this story in a successful way....

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Lost my shadow

Lost my shadow

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No. Of chapters written: 11

Total chapters: 15

Total reads:  8065 + reads

Total votes: 1875+ votes

Maximum votes: 140 (Most of the chapters have crossed 130+ votes)


Text in Italics: Past Incidents...

Don't take a stupid decision as you are currently upset... It's only a temporary thing but don't let it spoil a permanent relationship...

If you don't leave the bitter incident that happened in the past and come out of it quickly, it will surely destroy the future happiness...

If you can't give me a happily forever, just try to stay with me as much longer as you can....


Days were going happily for Abhi and Pragya... As their final exams were nearing, they were deeply engrossed in their studies and is working too hard to crack the university ranks...

Abhi was very confident enough and was working really very hard as he knows that this will surely change their fate and will open door for a big future.... But he was too bothered about Pragya as she was getting cranky these days and was studying for name sake only that too to make Abhi happy...

Though Abhi knew that Pragya will get awesome marks, he want Pragya too to get University rank like him... It was their parents dream and Abhi badly want to see Pragya succeeding as a big lawyer way too ahead of  him.... But he was worried as Pragya was not at all interested to practice law rather she wanted to become a house wife and become a mother of their kids only....


It was their last study holiday before exams... Abhi has finished preparing dinner for them earlier and wished to have an hour revision before having food... He spots Pragya sleeping in the couch with her book above her face without studying...

Lost My SHADOW- Abhigya SS By CrazyMahiz... (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now