9. The blood of love welled up in my heart with a slow pain...

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Read at your own risk... 🌼🌼🌼

Text in Italics: Past incidents.


✍ It started as butterflies, but now it just hurts...

✍ We can't find a better medicine to heal the wound that love gave you and it is healed by none other than the love itself...

✍ Crying is not a sign of showing the weakness and feeling the pain... It's a sign of proving to the world that you are trying too hard to get away from the pain and training yourself to stay stronger, as much as you can ....

✍ True love never falls apart... Though their hearts are broken into pieces, with every broken pieces they gel up together, with the cure called love...


Abhi is highly irritated with the continuous ringing of the door bell... Just then, he remembers that who it might be... Abhi smiles brightly and kisses pragya's forehead and moves to open the door praying inwardly that pragya should wake up soon....

Abhi bolts the door and expected it to be Aaliya whom he has called half an hour before, because of his helpness knowing very well that only she can be his support at this crucial time

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Abhi bolts the door and expected it to be Aaliya whom he has called half an hour before, because of his helpness knowing very well that only she can be his support at this crucial time.... He always wish to keep Aaliya beside him, when he is facing an inner turmoil as her soothing words gives him much of peace...

It's an unsaid rule between Aaliya and Abhi that no one should call in work hours, as it may make anyone to know that they are still in touch with each other and has a beautiful bond of the brother and sister... But, both were aware that when a call is made in work hours means, it's something related to pragya and her health....

It's indeed Aaliya's sister, Dr. Disha who is pragya's doctor informed Abhi about Pragya's problem, when she comes to the hospital with Aaliya as she  had be3n affected by severe stomach pain...

Abhi has begged Aaliya to take care of Pragya on his behalf and it's unknown to anyone that it's always Aaliya who gave every single detail of Pragya to Abhi...

But it's quite unbelievable that how come Aaliya who is pragya's closest bestie and subordinate in her profession, is still in touch with Abhi...

How come Aaliya who is furious on Abhi has forgiven him... It's is a million dollar question to think as why come Aaliya is showing off to the world that she hates Abhi... Its also a wonder that how come they all have met earlier and how Abhi and Pragya allowed Aaliya and Tanu in their gang...


Abhi and pragya in their college days never allowed anyone to be their friends as they had a silly belief that allowing any person between them will create some problems for them ...
Aaliya and tanu are cousins cum besties who adores the bonding of abhi and pragya so much...

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