4. The true lovers in the name of rivals...

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Thanks for all your love and support... As you all wished, its going to be 10 shots... Planned to give you all a weekly date...

Sorry, if I'm not able to come up as my main stories are dragging me here and there and more over my bad health issues too...  Please bear with me, if there is any delay...

Silent readers expecting all your support too... Dont forget to
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Warning: Read at your  very own risk..

Strictly no bashing of my characters, story line or anything related to this story is allowed....

Expecting to get active review from you all...

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shot. 4:

It's a fine day....

The court area is automatically getting busy for the daily happenings.... A lot of hustle bustles is heard here and there... The siren sounds of the police vehicles, the protests of criminals, the authoratitive voice of the lawyers, the people talks are filling the air...


Aaliya and sid enters the court area in sid's bike together for the first time

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Aaliya and sid enters the court area in sid's bike together for the first time.... Their happiness is unbounds and they were smiling brightly as their work has been finished very successfully...

Aaliya: Hey sid... When will our pragya come here??? Im very much excited and thrilled to convey the happy news to her.... Sure, she will be in cloud nine....

Sid: Me too wanna see her reaction very badly aaliya... But Im little bit scared that pragya shouldn't bash on us, as we have done this against her husband Abhishek...

Aaliya: Husband... My foot... 😬😬😬😬.... Sid... Don't irritate me talking about that Abhishek... Don't you know how much our pragya suffered because of his mere misunderstanding....

Sid: Just calm down aaliya... Relax... Think wisely... If Abhishek is to be blamed, pragya is also to be equally blamed... Pragya is our friend and our senior in our profession... So, we are supporting her and stood beside her...

But to be frank, its pragya who have started everything... Don't you know how much Abhishek loves pragya... Still Abhishek is behind pragya only... But, it's pragya who wants to get away from him....

Aaliya: Don't support him, sid... Have you forgotten, how much he ill treated you... He bashed you hardly for the mistake you have never committed...

Sid: Who said so like that aaliya??? My single mistake and misunderstanding is the main root cause for all the problems between them...

I accept, its my silly and immature crush on pragya and my mere misconception has parted apart abhi and pragya....

Lost My SHADOW- Abhigya SS By CrazyMahiz... (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now