Epilogue - You won't leave me, as you are my Shadow...

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Hola my dear Abhigya Phankhas....

Finally.... Your crazy buddy Mahii (crazymahiz) is here with the epilogue of this story...

Really it's a wonderful journey and I'm so happy that you all liked the story of our terror lawyers... I hope, I have given proper justification to the story and handled the plot as per your expectations... If there is any flaws or shortcomings, please do forgive me with a golden heart...

Thanks a ton for all the love and support you have given to this story... Eager to hear from you all, for the final time and I badly want the silent readers to pen down your views too...


Getting back to the story....

So, all are eager to know :

➡What has happened to Abhi???

Will Abhi survive or not????

Will Pragya deliver her baby safely and live a happy life with Abhi and their kids???

Will their shadows be together forever or lost forever???

To know more, peep inside....


You are like a mirror and shadow to me... Because a mirror never lies, while a shadow never leaves the person...

I only want two things in my life... 1. I want you, as mine and
2. I want us, to be together forever...

It is true that our life is not as easy as we planned and we went through a lot, to lead a normal life... It's because, we are not ordinary couples and ours is not an ordinary love...


Pragya is highly irritated and yells angrily towards Sandeep Khurana to untie her rope and face her all alone and calls him a swineless creature, for playing an ugly trick to kidnap her like this...  She smirks and teases him that he is a coward and can't face her Abhishek for sure...

Pragya challenges Sandeep that if he defeat Abhi, she is ready to surrender herself to him whole heartedly and will became his slave forever... But she chuckles and said that it's impossible for Sandeep to touch her Abhi too...

Sandeep fumes in anger as the teasings of Pragya irks him to the core... His blood boils on seeing the confidence in Pragya and her casual attitude, clearly humiliates and triggers the inner monster in him... He gulps the liquor bottle fully and throws it hardly in the ground, making Pragya to gasp in shock...

Sandeep lustfully looks at Pragya and started to walk near her by taking slow steps... Pragya feels as if she is standing in the mid of fire and she feels helpless, as she can't tolerate the lustful gaze on her... Her eyes blurred up with hot tears, as she can't digest the awkward truth, that is happening beyond her control....

She feels disgusted as Sandeep nears her way too closely and blows the liquor filled air on her face... She gets a vomiting sensation because of the horrible smell from his mouth and she pukes on him uncontrollably...

He slaps harshly in Pragya's face, making her lips to bleed slowly and he hits Pragya's forehead aggressively using his pistol... Sandeep never minds Pragya's cries and he laughs on seeing the blood in her face and says that he will give her the worst punishment, she deserves...

Pragya horrifies as Sandeep keeps the pistol in Pragya's baby bump and his mischievous smile clearly said her that if she didn't allow him to touch her, he will kill the baby for sure... Pragya's panicked face brings happiness inside Sandeep and her trembling body creates havocs in his body...

Lost My SHADOW- Abhigya SS By CrazyMahiz... (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now