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The girl sat in the hospital waiting room staring at the wall. Her expression was blank but her mind racing. Other people around her had tears streaming down their faces and she hated them for that. This was their fault. She sighed, resting her cheek on her hand. So much had changed so quickly. It was hard to imagine only months ago she was happy and it'd lead to this. A few tears pricked at her eyes, she wiped them away furiously with her sleeve. She cursed herself, regretting not listening to the instincts she'd had. Maybe if she had this could've been avoided. If she'd told her... told her...
"Dammit..." she whispered as the tears reformed. This time she didn't wipe them away.

Her livid anger was building up at five of the other girls in the room. Hate. She hated them.

They destroyed her...

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