Chapter Five

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Rainbow Dash's P.O.V
The next one I met was Rarity.

I was ten. It was tipping it down and my hair was saturated to me. I regretted my wardrobe choice for the day- t-shirt, skort and trainers. To make matters worse I forgot my key and mum and dad were out. Until tomorrow. I shivered violently as a car drove through a puddle, splashing me with ice cold water. To make matters worse it made my trainers uncomfortably damp, making a scwelching noise as I walked. I rubbed my forearms slightly, trying to warm them where the goosebumps were. A little pointless as my hands were ice cold.

"Darling, you simply can't stay out here! You'll catch your death!" a girl with purple hair and blue eyes said. She was standing inside a doorway, a umbrella in her hand. She caught hold of my arm and pulled me inside.
"Oh dear...your hair." she commented. "Sit down by the fire."
"Thanks." I said, greatfuly. She started sorting out my hair (obviously finding looks important). Her phone rang and she answered it. The second her call was over she burst into tears.
"What's wrong?"I asked, worridly.
"I was going to have a fashion show tonight buy my model bailed." she sobbed.

I concidered for a moment.
"If you want I'll model for you." I offered. "I mean I don't normally wear dresses and stuff but you look like it could help."
"Really?" she asked, eagerly. I nodded.
"Thank you!" she said, wiping her tears away and hugging me.
"No worries." I replied.

A few hours later I was dressed in a knee length dress with a puffed up skirt.
"You look amazing, Darling!" she said. I'd learnt 'she' was called Rarity.
"You're a really good designer." I said. She was- it was just the kind of thing I'd never wear. Rarity could tell, easily.
"Thank you for this." she said.
"No worries." I replied.

Twenty outfits later I was exsausted. All twenty outfits got sold very quickly. I decided to NEVER wear high heels again.
"I made something for you, to say thank you." Rarity said. She passed me a cardboard box with a purple rope around it. Inside was a cyan tshirt which had a white cloud and rainbow lightning bolt. There was a cyan skort with the trouser bit being grey. There was also a rainbow lightning neckless and charm bracelet with a diamond charm.
"Wow! I love it Rarity!" I said greatfuly.
"I figured this was a lot more your style." she said. I nodded.
End Flashback

After helping eachother we stayed friends. She's the most generous person I know. I no longer fit the outfit but I still have the neckless and braclet. Each of my friends added a charm; Flutters a pink butterfly, Pinkie a blue baloon, A.J a ruby coloured apple and a purple star from Twilight. I still wear it everyday.

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