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5 years have passed. Dash and Spitfire are still a couple, one that'll last forever. Her friendships are even stronger than before and, every day, she's greatful Pinkie found her before her heart stopped. Life, despite the pain, really is worth it. The beauty, the people you care about, the moments which last forever. Like the moment which seals this story, the story which made them a couple, which can open the pages to countless more. Four words really.
"Will you marry me?" Spitfire asked, a blush creeping over her face as she holds out an engagement ring. Dash's heart danced in her chest. One word. Three letters.
"Yes..." she whispered, sealing her words with a kiss.

The stars smiled down on the couple as their lives together began a new chapter.

Aaaaaaaand. The end :). Thanks for reading :) ♡ Should be starting a new story in a few days.

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