Chapter Ten

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Rainbow Dash's P.O.V
Two weeks have passed. I miss them. A lot. I've decided today to give up on getting them back...its clear they still hate me. I'm a tad down...ok a lot down. I skip lunch now, not being hungry and I don't really care if I eat. I spend every lunch on the treadmill, trying to boost my speed. It's all I have now. I'm just glad I don't live with my parents anymore... the week I moved out was when I missed Pinkie's birthday. I'm tired. Extremely tired. I keep running though. I don't care about sleep after some recent events.

I take a sip of water, not stopping the treadmill. The bottle is empty now but I'm not going to refill it. The fountain is in the cafeteria...where my former friends are. I don't slow it down, despite my heartbeat racing from the time and speed. My head hurts... I've been headachey a lot lately. My thoughts race, trying to figure out were I went wrong. I lied...but I couldn't tell them. In truthfulness I was too scared.. telling someone was an emergency. If I didn't... well... No. Don't think about it. It still brings a feeling of nausia to my mouth and stomach. If I had to talk about it I'd probably be sick.

I hear someone walk in.
"Why haven't you been at lunch recently?" they ask. I turn off the treadmill and see vice princable Luna.
"Um... I have." I say.
"No you haven't. You're forgetting the majority of the teachers eat in the cafeteria." she states. I stay quiet, keeping my gaze to my feet.
"Just haven't been hungry." I reply, flatly. Please don't want to talk about it futher.
"Come to my office so we can talk." she instructs. Great...

For a few seconds we sit in silence. I look at the floor. I really don't want to talk about this.
"As you're aware the staff know what happened with your family due to your social worker." I feel sick. "Do you want to talk about it?" I shake my head, knowing if I open my mouth I'll be sick.
"Sure?" she asks. Another nod. She takes in the fact that I've probaly paled five shades.
"Do you feel ill?" she enquires. I nod again ignoring the weak feeling at admitting it.

I open my mouth to ask to leave and close it as I feel bile rise. Vice princable Luna figures out I'm going to be sick so gets a bucket. After throwing up I feel even weaker, escpecially since I haven't ate much of late. I shiver slightly, all energy gone.
"You'd better head home and get some rest." she states. I nod and leave. Maybe three days away from everyone could help.

Luna's P.O.V
It makes sense that Rainbow Dash doesn't want to talk about it. Many people in that situation don't. Still, maybe if she talks it could make her less stressed. She clearly is. Not like she seems to want anyone to realise.

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