Chapter Eight

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Rainbow Dash slowly walks to the door, heart hammering in her chest. This is when she confronts them. This is when she finds out how her friends feel about her. Every little detail sticks in her mind, the cool metal handle under her hand, the creak of the door as it opens, her hammering, screaming heart.
"Dash, what's wrong?" Twilight asks, noticing her pale pallor.
"I heard you...yesterday." Dash replies, flatly but her eyes sad.

Her friends all exchange looks.
"Did you mean it?" Dash asks. A long silence before they nod. Dash swallows a lump in her throat.
"Dash...Maybe we shouldn't be friends anymore." A.J says.
"But..." Rainbow Dash whispers.
"She's right." Twilight agrees. "Sorry Dash." None of them- not even Fluttershy hear her out and left. Once they are out of earshot she collapsed into tears , her body wracking with sobs.

She had felt pain before but never like this. Her heart feels like it was shattering, splintering inside her and she wasn't sure it could be fixed. She's  no longer going to ask her crush out- if her friends hate her she's certain she wouldn't like her either. Each breath hurts as she will not pause for breath between tears. Her knees are pulled up to her chest, arms wrapped around them. No more barriers...there's no one to keep them up for.

She skips the next lesson and just stays in the room, tears draining her energy. She watches people walk past the door, her emotions numb. Or at least her face. Her misary snaps, her tears frozen with tirdness. There were no tears left in her after hours of crying. She still stays still, not wanting to show the pain scrapping in her.

'You still have Scoots..." her thoughts remind her. She just really hopes it's right. Scoots is like a sister to her and she doesn't think she could cope with losing anyone else.

Her friends were keeping together, losing Scoots could ruin her disguise...She'd just be an empty shell.
'Scoots.. Please don't hate me.'

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