Chapter Nineteen

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Rarity's P.O.V
We stay by Rainbow's side for hours, just willing her too wake up. We know it'll be about a week but still. I miss her...if it wasn't for her my fashion dreams would've been abandoned. She was there when I needed her most and how did I repay her? I, with the others,  abandoned her. I look at her and sigh. She's pale, porcelain pale and looks paper pale. She looks as breakable as a china doll, like one poke could shatter her. Leave her entirely broken. Although... she's broken from who she used to be. Her confidence is clearly gone. All of it...and I hate that I helped it happen.

The doctor comes back in.
"I'm afraid visiting times are over." he says. "They're always four until seven." We nod and leave, looking back at Dash. I really hope she doesn't try again if she wakes up early. I need to apologise. Dash...she probaly even had a reason to not turn up....and we punished her for it. It's painfully clear none of us are close to Dash's loyalty. In fact...after how we've treated her...I doubt we're loyal at all. Not exactly a nice feeling but I think I deserve it. It is, after all, how we made Dash feel.

When I get in I cry myself to sleep, body wracking with sobs as I comprehend we could've lost her today. I would've killed a friend. Lost a friend.

My dreams, obviously, are terrifying. How many ways do I have to see Dash die? By her own hands... by ours. As if we could do that. I'd never intentionally hurt anyone.. let alone a friend.

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