Chapter Three

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Rainbow Dash's P.O.V
The next one I met was Applejack.

It had been a bad day. Ending with me running out the house. It was before breakfast I ran and was now way past dinner. I hadn't ate or drank in over twenty four hours. Near my house was an apple farm and I was so tempted to steal some. I didn't but I wanted to. I sat by the entrance, face resting on my hand.
"Y'all alright?" a voice asked. Said voices owner was a girl with blonde hair, green eyes and the kind of hat from cowboy movies.
"Yeah.. " I said. My stomach rumbled in disagreement.
"You're hungry." she stated, pulling me in the farm. "We love guests here- I made apple pie. Wanna try some?" I nodded eagerly and she smiled.

"Why are you so hungry?" she asked as I ate pie (which was AWESOME).
"Stormed out this morning without eating." I replied, honestly, brushing my rainbow fringe from my face.
"Why?" she pressed.
"Argument with my parents." I replied. Not quite the truth but not quite a lie.
"Oh..." she said. "You should head home..."
"I know." I admitted, but for a different reason than she probably thought.

On the way she saw a single (extremely large shiny apple) stuck in a tree.
"If it stays it could rot in place and draw more bugs!" she said, worridly. "I can't get it down." I scurried up the tree, grabbed it and threw it lightly to her. I got lower down before jumping out the tree, landing lightly on my toes. She gave me a slightly impressed look and I gave her a smile.

Storming out that day...despite my parents reaction...was still worth it that day because I met A.J.
End Flashback

Both of us are competitive so we bring eachother forward. We've fell out before but made up. Friends always do...right?

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