Chapter Fifteen

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Rainbow Dash's P.O.V
I take a handful of pills and wash them down with alcohole. Soon I've had all twenty pills and a bottle of whiskey. Which is gross to be honest. Wouldn't of ever had it except for this purpose. I make several long, deep cuts down my arms. The pain is unbearable but I keep making more. Soon it'll be life will be over. Black spots appear on my vision. I make a few more cuts then let darkness take over me. Nothing left... a flash of white light. Finally bliss... everything fades. The last thing I register is the knife falling to the floor with a soft thud.

Pinkie's POV
In order to find out where Dash was I broke into princable Celestia's office. I plan to talk to her alone...everyone else is busy anyway. I take Gummy with me... worried she'll have grown to hate me and wanting some moral support. I knock on her door. No response.
"Dash? Let me in?" I call. Silence, cold and worrying. "Please?" Nothing. I bite my lip. I'm not leaving it. I plan on forcing it open, only to push the door and see it's unlocked.

I go into the living room. I smell... something. Bad. It smells like rust and salt. Then I see Dash. She's propped against a counter, chin against her chest, eyes closed.
"Dash?" I say, cautiously. Blood is seeping out of cuts on her arms, soaking the carpet below her. I chuck the knife next to her hand away, shuddering at the wepon. Maybe she was attacked. I kneel by her.
"Wake up...please..." I beg. No response. Her breathing is weak. By her is an empty bottle...pill box. Wait. No. She wouldn't... would she? I put my fingers by her wrist and feel a pathetic flutter. Scarsley anything. I run to the phone and call an ambulance then return to her side. I feel my hair go flat, falling limply. I try to put pressure on the wounds, not wanting to let her die.
"Don't you dare give up Dash." I mutter.

On the way out to the ambulance I see a pile of envelopes a dressed to me, our other friends, Scoots and Spitfire. I take them with me.

In the ambulance I call A.J.
"Applejack you and the girls need to get to the hospital now!" I state.
"What happened? Are you hurt?" she enquires, worridly.
"No. Dash is. I think she attempted suicide. There was a letter but i havent opened it yet."
"We'll be right there." she says, hanging up.

Please don't die Dashie...

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