Chapter Twenty-Six

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IMPORTANT. OK remember warnings in description?Well this chap incudes mentions of rape and abuse. If you don't want to read bout it skip to next chapter :). Also sorry so long since last update. My friend was here for my birthday.

Rainbow Dash's P.O.V
I'm extremely bad at good ideas. Or extremely good at bad ideas. Either one. I decided to tell my friends my past. Why  I missed Pinkie's party. Why I was living alone. My past which made my inner demons. Now...well...what if they think less of me? What if they hate me again? Still. I cant believe I actually told.

"Dash. I know we keep asking but what happened to make you miss Pinkie's party and live alone?" Applejack asked. I bit my lip, debating whether or not to tell them. They wouldn't like it, in all honesty I don't think anyone would. A.J, Flutters, Rarity, Twilight, Pinkie and Spitfire all gave me a searching look as my thoughts argued. Raged. Some wanting to tell, others screaming in protest.
"It's not nice...At all." I whispered, a complete understatement. I'm stuck remembering it forever, it still scars my thoughts, still scarred them then.
"You're our friend." Applejack stated, calmly. "We're supposed to be there for you and it'll be easier if we know." The others nodded in agreement.
"OK." I murmured,  and began.

"My parents...always had a violent streak. For as long as I can remember they'd hit me and insult me but nothing too serious. Not until just before I met A.J. That's when they started restricting food, saying I wasn't worth it. I ran out the house that day as I wasn't thinking straight. Hadn't ate in nearly a week. It only got worse from there. As I got older they hit me more and more often..The punishments becoming worse. By the time I was twelve they'd started using belts...burnt me on the stove... the list goes on but you don't need to here all of it. I acted like I thought I was the best as my parents convinced me I was the worse. That I deserved it. And I didn't want you to guess."

I looked at the others. A.J and Spitfire looked horrified, tears in their eyes, but none falling. Fluttershy was sobbing, always the most sensitive. Twilight, Pinkie and Rarity had tears spilling. I took a breath and continued.

"Just before Pinkie's birthday...3 days before... I argued with them. Tried standing up for myself. It backfired. Dad...he...he.. He r-raped me and then he and mum beat me. It'd never been that bad and I couldn't take anymore. After...after that happened I couldn't stay. I shouldve told sooner but I hadn'tI called the cops. They heard the sirens and figured it out. I was to weak to move...let alone struggle. Besides I'd rather die then he get away with it and...and...Maybe do it again. One of them held me by the wall by my throat until I blacked out.Maybe longer. When I came too they'd been arrested and I was in hospital the day after the party. I fave statements...they've been put in jail. I still have nightmares though..."

My voice trailed off, tears spilling. I saw the same with my friends. They knew, and I felt like a weight had been taken off my shoulders.
End Flashback

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