Chapter One

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Rainbow Dash's P.O.V
I'm late! Dammit...Oh dammit. It happens often enough and I can hardly tell them why. That'll just lead to more questions. Questions I don't want to think about. None of them, not even Flutters, knows about my past and I'm gonna keep it that way. I don't like remembering, besides it'll definitely end badly. No one can ever know. I run to town, my ponytail bouncing on my shoulders. Despite running late I enjoy the speed. Wind whistles in my hair and my feet pound on the floor. Speed and agility are essential for my dream to be in the Wonderbolts. They're a running and gymnastics team and I'd love to be a member. Plus I could see her everyd- never mind.

I see them sat around, waiting. Applejack checks her watch, clearly impatient.
"Hey. Sorry I'm late." I say, stopping by them.
"It's okie dokie!" Pinkie Pie replies, smiling at me. "Why are you late?"
"Lost track of time." I reply. Not true but better than the truth.
"You could call when your going to be late sugarcube." Applejack states.
"Phone broke." I reply, with a shrug. That is the truth- not saying how though.
"How, Darling? You're always extremely careful with it." Rarity enquires. This is something they can't know. My...they...I just can't. Not without hurt. A lot of it.
"Dropped it on the treadmill." I answered- a realistic lie. Fotunately they buy it. Very quickly.

We go to the new 'Shake Away' as Mr and Mrs Cake niece owns it so Pinkie automatically loves it. A lot.
"Hi!!!!" she says as she enters, with her usual bounce.
"Pinkie, nice to see you." Strawberry says. "What would you all like?"
"I'll have an extra thick cupcake shake please!!" Pinkie says.
"A vanilla nut swirl shake please." Rarity says.
"A shortcake shake please." Twilight says.
"Apple shake please." Applejack predictably says.
"Raspberry please." Fluttershy says.
"Chocolate cream please." I say. Pinkie pays because we take  turns.

"Dash, what happened to your arm?" A. J asks, noticing bruises running down my forearm.
"Fell." I say, quickly. I better get some more of those handless...glove...things.

They can't find out.

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