Chapter Seventeen

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Spitfire's P.O.V
I cant find Dash anywere to apologise and I feel bad. Really bad. She'd looked really hurt. Can't blame her, her friends dont even talk to her snymore. I sigh slightly. I feel my phone beep in my pocket. I open it and see a text from Rarity. Didn't even know she had it. I glance at it.

Don't know if ur friends with Dash or not but she's in hospital from a suicide attempt. Left you a note.

Oh god... What... I run outve practice to the apologise. Within ten minuites I'm there. Pinkie and Flutter-something are crying the most. Pinkie passes me the letter but I don't open it...yet. I stare at the wall. I make my face an expressionless mask but my thoughts race. I hate them. How can they cry? This is their fault. I sigh and rest my cheek on my hand. So much has changed so quickly. It's hard to imagine only months ago Dash was happy with her friends and it'd lead to this. A few tears prick at my eyes and I wipe them away furiously with my sleeve and curse myself.  If I'd told her I had a crush on her she'd of believed someone cared. I should've listened yo my instincts, this could've been avoided.
"Dammit," I whisper as tears reform. This time I don't wipe them away.

My livid anger is building up at the other five girls in the room. I hate them.

They destroyed Dash.

I open the letter from Dash and begin to read.

To Spitfire
I know you hate me but if I'm dying anyway I may as well die being honest. If I had told my friends everything I wouldn't of lost them and would've known you hated me sooner. Which would've prevented me from trying out so many times if it was futile anyway. So here's the truth...I've had a crush on you for years. And I know you'd never feel the same way but I might as well of told you.

So I was wrong.  She thought the same way cans thought I didn't.  This isn't their fault...its mine.

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