33. Shiota Nagisa x Reader

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  Shiota Nagisa, your best friend since 6. Both of you were always together, the closest. Up till now, you were still in the same class and both of you looked forward to it.

  "Nagisa, I hope we could still be in the same class next year," You blurted out and he agreed immediately. However, both of you knew your grades were decreasing, much worse than Nagisa's although you worked harder.

  You stopped hanging out with him after school as often just to study but somehow, it wasn't improving and that gap between your friendship was not making Nagisa happy at all.

  "(Name), what about I teach you your English today?" Actually... All I wanted was to spend time with her.

  "Sure! Thanks Nagisa, I'd love that!" Thank god she agreed...

Time skip~

  "Oh my god!! I still can't get it" You slammed your head on the table (not literally lmao), upset since you still could not understand what Nagisa taught repeatedly. Seeing your reaction, he chuckled, remembering the times you spent together in the past. It has been so long since you've went out together.

  "It's fine (name), take it slowly"

  "You don't get it, you're smarter and yet you don't study that much" You kept sighing, giving up hope.

  "If you give up so easily, I don't see the point in teaching you anymore!!" He raised his voice a little.

  "Are you angry at me?..." You took it the wrong way before tearing up.

  "N-no.. I would never--"

  "Stop there, I get it. You're irritated at me.. I'm sorry for bothering you... I should go now..." You lowered your head and immediately ran home, not listening to his protests...

  "(Name)..." you ignored him, and that continued for a few days till you gave up trying to do that.

  "Why are you still talking to me, I know you hate me.." You weren't able to look at him in the eyes, his words echoing in your ears and you still felt the pain like it just happened.

  "I'm sorry, it's not that... I didn't mean to shout! It was a misunderstanding, I never got mad at you..." He apologised as you still doubted.


  "Yes.. I'm sorry if it seemed that way to you. Can we.. go back to being friends?"

  To say the truth, you were still hurt, but maybe he was right?..

  "I don't know Nagisa.."

  "It's fine, I'll show you." He smiled as he led you to the playground both of you played at all the time in the past.

  "This is so nostalgic..." You scanned the area as all the memories flashed through your mind.

  "Yup.. wanna play that swing again?" Without hesitant, you nodded and ran there. Time passed quickly as both of you played like you were young. It was filled with laughter and all worries were erased.

  "I wish we could do this more often..." You muttered when it was late at night.

  "Well, we could!" He grinned as your face lit up.

  "Thanks Nagisa, you were always there for me... I'll try to hang out with you more often" You grinned and he chuckled with satisfaction.

  "I'm glad..." He mumbled with a small smile, happy to clear the misunderstand and go back to before.


Next: Karma x oc

Please note that stories with oc are special as this book is originally for x readers so there will not be many x oc. And sorry for the slow update :)


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