Chapter Seven

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Da Fan braced the early morning without her coat. She knew it would be a fine day, the outside had the sweet fragrance of peonies, camellias and osmanthus. The sky was blue with just a few puffs of white clouds.

"Second Wife greets Madam Feng." Da Fan bowed and greeted Madam Feng, taking a seat beside her when she smiled and dismissed her.

A pot of Cloud Mist green tea scent flowed through the entire room creating a relaxing atmosphere. Madam Feng was filled with smiles and poise as if the week ago incident hadn't occurred.

Her smile only took a turn for the worst when her maid, who Da Fan found out was named Liu Yin, came into the room and whispered into Madam Feng ear.

"What?!" The Old Madam's brows slightly creased. Her face which had originally had a warm smile turned cold. She place the tea cup in her hands on the table.

"Seeing a little blood has had her sick, so she's unable to give her greetings? I already forgave her for the past week, but this is absurd. Is she this thin skinned. Does she think my house has uses for this kind of woman."

As the volume of her voice increased Feng Huang walked into the room.

"Mother, what's making you so angry? Calm yourself before you make yourself ill."

"It's that First Wife of yours. She's too ill to make greetings. Second Daughter -In-Law has been making her greetings everyday.

The said daughter-in-law was sitting as if she was a part of the background, sipping tea.


"Second Wife greets Husband." Da Fan made to get up but was stopped by Feng Huang.

"How are you?"

"Wife is well."

Feng Huang nodded and turned to Liu Yin for an explanation. As Liu Yin explained the situation Feng Huang's face turned ugly.

"Since she's too sick to give her greetings to Mother then let her stay in her courtyard for another month. The Scriptures has been needing some extra copies lately."

Da Fan raised her cup to take another sip smiling. The Feng Mansion Scriptures is a hundred page book. Copying even one book would take time and would be tortuous for anyone Yang.especially a spoiled young miss like Cong Wei Yang.

Feng Huang turned to leave the room when Madam Feng called out to her son. "Feng, wait a minute."

Feng Huang stopped and waited for his mother to speak.

"The Second Prince has invited the Feng House to his Flower viewing and Moonlit Party. Take Da Fan with you and go."

"Mother?" Feng Huang scowled at the thought. He'd rather not get involved with any of the Princes or politics.

"Feng Huang." She called solemnly.

Unable to refuse his mother he nodded. "The party is tomorrow, please remember."

Feng Huang gave Da Fan and his mother a stiff farewell and left without another word.

For a moment Da Fan thought the two were communicating eye to eye silently. There's more that what meet the eye between Feng Huang and the Madam.

Madam Feng sighed softly, " That child, refusing to participate in politics will only leave you to be governed by others."

Da Fan listened silently she had a feeling of a secret in the Feng Mansion.

"Da Fan, what do you think of the current state of the capital?"

Da Fan hesitated thinking long on how to answer the question. The state of the capital now would currently be at a stalemate. The current Emperor is still in good health and was weary of his sons, so it's unwise for either of the five Princes to break the balance there is.

"Da Fan has no knowledge of the politics, that best left to the men, but Da Fan thinks that as long as the Emperor is in good health; the people and the capital will be in good health, content and happy.

In other words, as long as the Emperor is alive, the capital and the people will fine. Any sign of weakness from the Emperor will result in a battle among the princes fraction. So far the Feng Mansion hasn't backed any of the Princes.

Madam Feng smiled at Da Fan, taking a sip at her tea changing the topic to lighter tones of the womanly arts.

Da Fan left Madam Feng courtyard in a somber mood. "Meirin has there been any substantial activity from any of the Princes?"

Meirin paused for a while unable to answer. Since when was her Mistress interested in the Princes? "Not that I know of Mistress. It has been relatively peaceful between the Princes fractions but the fact that the Emperor hasn't named a crown prince as of yet, each Prince is trying to stake their names."

"What of the Feng affiliation?"

"Nothing is known of it Madam. Though there has been talks of Madam Feng being a friend of the Empress and first Queen."

"Find out more about their relationship Meirin, have Father and Kuchen help you. In the meanwhile we have a party to prepare for.

"It all felt like the calm before the storm.

Passing through the gates of the Second Prince Mansion, the carriage in which Da Fan and Feng Huang was travelling in stopped. Holding the hand of Feng Huang, Da Fan exited out of the carriage.

Da Fan had dressed in a formal blue and pink dress that accentuate her beauty and showed off her shoulders.

The dress was gift to her from Feng Huang.

The grandly decorated threshold of the Second Prince Mansion was decorated to gloat and show off his stature. The massive white stone columns to the large dark purple zifan wood door, the boastfulness of the Second Prince was ever present.

Feng Huang frowned when he saw the gaudy decorated mansion. He place Da Fan hand in between his elbow and escorted her inside the mansion, following the steward that had come to greet them.

"Stay beside me tonight." he whispered in her ear making her blush red.

"I will."

Feng Huang nodded pleased by her answer but couldn't help but look at her and the vision she was as they loudly announced.

"Vice Defense Minister Master Feng Huang and Second Lady Cheng Da Fan."

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