Chapter Forty-Nine

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General Cong seemed to have aged twenty years grey hairs that couldn't be seen a week ago was no visibly present.

"Father, Father?" Cong Shu Lan called to her father although she hated her brother's lifestyle she never wanted him to die. Now with her brother dead and her little sister absence she's all her father had left.

Cong Shu Lan clenched her fist, she didn't even have the support of her husband. Cong Shu Lan looked around the room and sighed, her paternal house is losing its influence.

Incense were lit and a mourning hall set up for the former young master of Cong's. Like always gossip traveled and there were several guesses as to who killed Cong Lu Zhang. Some say prostitutes, others say he messed with the a man's woman and the more believable once was that the prime minister killed him.

Whoever it was, General Cong wanted their blood. Cong Lu Zhang was his oldest and only legitimate son. The other sons bore to him were by concubines and not worth mentioning.

Feng Huang stepped inside the mourning hall, his white robe billowed out around hum. The air in the mourning hall was hot and humid, the burning incense only made the atmosphere worse.

Feng Huang glanced at Cong Shu Lan and General Cong, the general no longer looked like the fierce strapping warrior he once was. All that remains of the general was a tired, worn out old man. Feng Huang clicked his tongue, numerous people came out on this day of mourning yet the general's essential allies were missing.

With the Second Prince confined and some of his allies arrested, the rest weren't willing to be seen together with the general. The General had placed all his eggs in one basket, his son and the Second Prince the prime example.

With the already stuffy air making him feel congested, Feng Huang wanted to hurry up and leave the place.

"General, I am sorry for your lost."

General Cong glanced up when he heard the voice, it didn't sound like he was sorry just polite. General Cong started to laugh, first it was a low chuckle then full-blown laughter.

"Father?" Cong Shu Lan muttered from the side. Was her father getting crazy?

" Feng Huang, you killed my son!"

Feng Huang looked startled and so did the guest. Why would Feng Huang kill Cong Lu Zhang? Aren't they in-laws?

Feng Huang tone of voice reached freezing temperatures. "Why would I kill your son? You son died with a smile on his face. I didn't kill your son. I would have killed him when your daughter almost killed my wife."

"You?" General Cong said. He didn't expect Feng Huang to expose the truth.

Cong Shu Lan was also surprised. "Your daughter? Cong Wei Yang is also your wife."

Feng Huang gaze Cong Shu Lan deathly glance as if saying to shut her mouth.

"Are you doing this to avenge your wife?" General Cong asked, remembering his son.

"Are your ears stuffed with wax? Am I the only person to have an enmity against your son or your family? Your son isn't exactly an exemplary citizen."

The forgotten audience agreed with Feng Huang. Cong Lu Zhang is known for harassing maidens, visiting brothels, an all-around playboy.

General Cong looked in Feng Huang's eyes. Could someone be framing Feng Huang? Everyone at the mourning hall thinks so.

"Don't think for a moment that I'll believe you." General Cong said. "I'll go to the Emperor."

At the same instant, the imperial guards charged into the mourning hall.

"Why would the imperial guard come here." Was said by someone.

The imperial guards were clad in iron armour with glistening swords hanging by their waist. Guards could be seen outside surrounding the mourning hall as the twenty-something guards surrounds both General Cong and Feng Huang.

The captain of the guards came out to the front with a scroll in his hand and began reading. His booming voice echoed in the packed mourning hall. "By the power of the Emperor, General Cong and Minister Feng is to report to the Imperial courts immediately. Failure to do so will be treated as treason to the crown."

"Haha, I knew you can't escape from your crimes Feng Huang, the imperial guards are here now. Can you deny killing my son now?" General Cong lets out a crazed laughter unaware the mass of people in the room was looking at him as if they were watching a fool.

The guard captain gestured to Feng Huang and General Cong. "Please General Cong, Minister Feng follow me."

Suck to her father's side Cong Shu Lan followed after him. Not wanting to miss the action, the officials that came hurried out the door and to their carriages. They didn't want to miss this court session.

The once busy streets of the capital was deathly silent, the carriages drove along the way to the palace not impeded by people or traffic. Feng Huang noticed the eerie state of the capital, even though he knew the reason he couldn't help but shudder. Was his majesty gamble paying off.

Inside the carriage the officials shivered, they too noticed the capital state of affairs. The moment everyone stepped out of the carriage they noticed the blood on the ground. Both imperial guards and black clothed men laid dead. The scent of blood rose giving the afternoon air a metallic taste.

The officials paled and stepped back ready to jump into their carriages, however were stopped by the guards. You wanted to watch drama unfold, this is a part of the drama.

General Cong was too far gone in his mind to not notice the pile of blood and bodies. Walking deeper into the imperial courts blood and massacre can be seen all around. The group stopped outside the court door and heard the clash of swords. The guards opened the door and the scene took their breath away.

The Second Prince Jing Yi was kneeling in front of the Emperor who had a sword to his son's neck. The Emperor's sword nipped at Jing Yi's throat.

Second son, why have you come to kill your Emperor Father?"

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