Chapter Thirty-Two

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"Your Highness Prince Jing Heng."

Feng Huang saw a slight smile on the Prince's face. His eyes that were like a jar of jet black ink held a gaze more terrifying than a tiger. In one hand the young prince held a sword, his finger gently running along he blade. The Prince's lips twitch in amusement.

Prince Jing Heng's the third born son of the Emperor, though not in the spotlight like his two older brothers, he quite the remarkable man.

Jing Heng went into the army at the age of fifteen and had been to two wars and risen to the rank of deputy general in two years and to general a year later. No one could say that Prince Jing Heng hadn't earned his position.

"Minister Feng, its so unlikely to see you here, the sun must be rising in the west."

Feng Huang scowled, he found it hard not to respond to the insult.

"As it does sets in the west."

Prince Jing Heng laughed, he found the nature of Feng Huang overly cautious and serious.

"What may I help you with today Minister Feng?"

Feng Huang took a deep breath to calm himself. Taking to Jing Heng was almost like taking to the Emperor, tiring.

Feng Huang listed and asked all the questions the questions he had for Jing Heng. In return he received impeccable answer, each with fault and on point.

Seeing Feng Huang so lost in his thoughts, the Prince flung a sweat ridden arm around Feng Huang shoulders.

"Is that all I can help you with Minister?"

Feng Huang scrunch up his nose in disgust, even if he is a prince, he couldn't stand Jing Heng blatant disrespect.

Feng Huang lifted the arm off his shoulder and as if it was a dirty dish cloth he almost flung it off his shoulders but instead took a step forward to let it fall by its owner's side.

"Yes, it is. I've kept you too long Your Highness."

Without waiting for an answer in return Feng Huang fled he barracks. Jing Heng on the other looked at the fleeing minister in though and laughed.


Back at Marquis Mo's party, the women and men had separated into two groups. The men had gone to another courtyard to have shooting, hunting and the likes games.

The women were just into talking and listing to the musicians when Madam Mo suggested the young ladies showcase their talents. Most of the unmarried women were eager to show the matriarch of the several prominent houses their skills and talents.

One by one the young ladies portrayed their talent in art, literature and music.

"Madam Mo, your daughter has grown into a fine lady. You must be proud." One woman said to Madam Mo.

It was clear to everyone that she's sucking up to Madam Mo.

Madam Mo waved her making the gold bangles on her hands jingle and shine in the afternoon light.

The woman beside Madam Mo stared at the jewelries on Madam Mo's hands in envy. "Madam Mo you must tell me where you got those jewelries. Perhaps offering one as a prize to the lady who performs best?"

Madam Mo frowned and eye the woman beside her. "These old things? They're a gift from my husband many years ago. I have other jewels that can be offered."

Everyone knew she was lying. Those gold bangles look like they were just seeing the light of day. Madam Mo had no desire to keep discussing the bangles and turned to Cong Wei Yang and say, "Madam Feng, what do you think of the ladies? Aren't they wonderful?"

Puffed up at the attention, Cong Wei Yang complimented Madam Mo's daughter but quickly interjected, "They are wonderful but several made mistakes. It wasn't noticeable but to the trained and experience it was."

If the Old Madam was here she would have slapped Cong Wei Yang aside to shut her p. If it wasn't noticeable why speak about it?

"Oh?" The older women were beginning to take offense. Even if she didn't call names were Cong Wei Yang saying their daughters and granddaughters were unskilled?

"Madam Feng, why don't you demonstrate your skills. Perhaps these ladies can learn from your experience."

From start to finish, Cong Wei Yang didn't know she insulted nearly all of the ladies.

Cong Wei Yang picked up a zither and the gentle sounds of melody flowed from the instruments. When she finished the women gave Cong Wei Yang an apathetic applause.

The proud expression on her face irritated many but they couldn't do a thing to her. What if when they did she run to tell her husband? With the Emperor's favour wouldn't tragedy befall their household.

Madam Mo clapped, "You really are skilled Madam Feng. The prize will surely belong to you."

Wanting to stir up more trouble, Madam Mo turned to Da Fan and say, "Would Second Madam Feng also want to perform?"

The women all eyed Da Fan, would she too try to take the spotlight?

Da Fan, with a fan in one hand revealed a gentle smile. "I wouldn't dare, a married woman like me performing? It's better left to these beautiful, young ladies. I'd rather watch and reward them for being so dedicated in their womanly arts."

The older women were please with Da Fan's answer and the younger ladies looked at her in a kinder light.

Isn't she right? Married women should leave the limelight to younger ladies to showcase their talent.

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