Chapter Twenty-Two

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 "Warn me?"

"As my Lord's husband will be travelling to the eastern borders wit General Wang I intend on following him."

"How?" Da Fan knew that women or wives in particular were not allowed in military camps. Prostitutes yes, wives no.

"I intend to stay at the Five Seas Monastery, and give aid to wounded soldiers and civilians."

'Good plan.' Da Fan thought. A noble woman, a wife, a Princess in particular caring for wounded would help sway soldiers and civilians to Prince Jing Long's way.

"So, who are you warning me about?"

"Cong Shu Lan."

"The Second Princess Consort? Why would you need to warn me about her?"

The Princess smiled behind her tea cup. By Da Fan's action and words, she knows this Madam Feng's a smart woman. Any other woman would be panicking by now.

"According to my inside sources, Cong Shu Lan and her sister Cong Wei Yang are planning to have you lock up and fall out of favour with Minister Feng."

"I reckon you're not warning me out of your good graces, Princess?"

"Nothing of that sort, I just think there is nothing worse than letting loose a snake in your backyard."

Da Fan laughed quietly. "Thank you for your advice Princess."

Da Fan stayed and talked to Lou Chun Hua for over an hour and left the tea pavilion in the afternoon.

On her way back to Feng Mansion, she quietly relies Meirin the Princess advice.

"Mistress, what shall I do?"

"Have Kuchen on standby. If possible, I'd like for him to replace the Feng doctor."

"When do you think they'll strike?"

"Anytime Husband leaves with Prince Jing Ling to the Eastern border. Though he'll only stay a day, the to and fro trip back to the capital will last maybe ten or so days."

Da Fan prediction did in fact came true, as Feng Huang cane to her courtyard to inform her he was leaving the next day.

Feng Huang placed a kiss on Da Fan's lips, kissing her sweetly and gently as he holds her in his arms.

"Husband will miss Wife when he leaves."

"Will you?" Da Fan pouted at him. "If you'll miss me, why haven't you visited me?"

Feng Huang paused, was she jealous?

"Husband will when he gets back?"

Da Fan pushed him on the bed. She made sure that the first cream Cong Wei Yang gave her is on her night stand.

"What's this?" he asked.

"A cream First Madam gave me. She said it's good for aches, but it didn't work."

Feng Huang took the cream. "Don't use it, after I return I'll give you a better cream."

He places a kiss on her forehead and one on her lips.

"Husband will see you when he returns."

Da Fan smiled slyly behind Feng Huang retreating back.

It had been two days since Feng Huang left and Da Fan figures that now would be time Cong Wei Yang would act. Servants came to her courtyard to announce that the Second Princess Consort would be have tea in the gardens and she is invited.

As time came Da Fan prepared herself for a showdown of wits with the sisters.

"Second Madam greets Second Princess Consort." Da Fan said bowing to the two.

Cong Shu Lan ignored Da Fan and spoke to her sister when she saw Da Fan got up out of her bowing position.

"The Second wives in my house knows that they are suppose to greet the Main wife upon seeing her. Why Haven't you greeted by sister? Even servants know not to break form when speaking to their superiors. It also surprising that the Second Feng Madam doesn't."

Cong Shu Lan looked at Dan Fan in contempt and didn't try to hide her dislike of her. "Well you can't expect anything better, she is from a low born family. Sister, you have been having it hard."

Cong Wei Yang snickered from behind her teacup, seeing this as her sister's opportunity to her to punish Da Fan.

"Imprudent!" Cong Wei Yang shouted. "How can you lose the face of the Fengs. Second Madam I expected better from you. Guards, bring Second Madam to the Ancestral Hall. She is to be punished by kneeling for a week. Make sure no one visits her."

Da Fan didn't protest, beg or speak, she just followed the guards to the ancestral hall. The two sisters should have noticed the lack of response from Da Fan but were too busy gloating.

"Thank you, sister. I've been waiting to put that woman into her place."

Cong Shu Lan laughed. "It's for the sake of my little sister of course I'll help you. Just make sure no one feeds that low born wench. If you follow my advice you'll be rid of that woman in a few weeks. I'll help you squash any ill rumor after her death."

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