Chapter Fifteen

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Da Fan gasped as she fought to keep both her and Feng Huang afloat in the raging river waters.

A few hours ago, they weren't in this position. Feng Huang had made good on his promise of showing them around. Admittedly both of them behave civil towards each other. It was the first time since Da Fan been married that the three of them, Feng Huang, Cong Wei Yang and Fan were in each other's presence for such a long time.

To everyone it seemed that Master Feng and his wives were a loving family.

The day had turned for a worse when they met First Prince Jing Long and heard the imperial decree on their way down from Five Seas Monastery. The First Prince and Feng Hung decided to head down the mountain together.

The forest floor was steeped in blood, unexpectedly the Chawanian soldiers that Jing Long and Feng Huang was to search for ambushed them.

Feng Huang had both Da Fan and Cong Wei Yang behind him as he fought off the assailants. As the soldiers advanced Feng Huang and his wives retreated until they were at the edge of roaring river. He couldn't count on the First Prince for help as he and his squad had their hands full. There were more than the estimated fifty soldiers.

As the group of soldiers backed the First Prince as well to the edge of the river, Feng Huang shouted over to Jing Long.

"Who are these men? I thought you said they were closer to the border?"

"I did." Jing Long himself wondered about that, although Weifeng is close to the Eastern border, the Chawanian soldiers should not have made their way to Weifeng so fast.

Just as the Prince was pondering about the situation one of the Chawanian soldiers broke rank to attack Jing Long.

Feng Huang pushed Jing Long out of the way to receive a slash to the right soldier.

"Minister Feng?"



Everyone yelled out. It all happened so fast. With a little bit of strength Feng Huang strike the Chawanian soldier killing him on the spot, but at a risk. Feng Huang fell into the river and all they could do was watch.

A moment of bravery Da Fan jumped into the river after Feng Huang.

"Second Madam?" Steward Xin pulled the frightened Meirin from jumping into the river after her Mistress.

"Let me go!" Meirin yelled at Seward Xin, "Mistress. Let me go."

"Reinforcements have arrived!"

Jing Long looked to see the reinforcement and back at the river just in time to see Da Fan and Feng Huang's heads bobbing in the raging river.

"Finish off the rest of them." Prince Jing Long told reinforcements, "The rest of you with me. Follow the river, we'll see if they both survive. Steward Xin send First Madam and the rest of the maids back to Weifeng residence then organize a search party. The civilians of Weifeng will make better guides."

As the last of the Chawanian soldiers died, Dan Fan and Feng Huang were in another perilous situation.

Da Fan screamed trying to hold onto Feng Huang as the river carried them over a ten waterfall.

Da Fan head was pounding, every cell in her body was screaming for air. She tried to fight the darkness that was threatening to hold her when she pulled herself and Feng Huang body ashore.

After a good thirty minutes of aching pain she managed to pulled them both ashore and into a small cave like area. With much effort again, she managed to lit a campfire and turns toward Feng Huang.

Feng Huang laid on his back, his lips a pale white, the wound to his shoulder wasn't bleeding as much but it still looked bad, Da Fan laid a hand to his head only to pull it back at the heat.

"He's got a fever." Da Fan cut strips of cloth from her dress skirt as bandages. Hidden inside her dress were packets of needles and medicine for first aid.

She had already stripped them both of their outer clothes and put them to dry near the campfire. Dressed in her inner clothing, Da Fan had just finished administering aid to Feng Huang when he sat up looking dazed.

It frightened her, Da Fan wen by his side and place a hand on his forehead.


Feng Huang turned to her, his cheeks flushed red with fever.

"Wife?" he whispered.

As if in a trance, Feng Huang pulled her into his and seized her lips kissing her. His arms wound itself around her trapping her body to his.

He muffled her scream and words as his tongue and hands began to ravage her body. Hot that's all Da Fan could described his tongue as the slick organ teased her mouth.

Da Fan tore her lips from his and pushed against his chest.

"Husband.... Feng Huang?"

Still feverous and hallucinating he spoke to her, "Wife, you mustn't tease your husband."

Da Fan looked aggrieved. "I've done no such thing."

Not listening to her, Feng Huang pulled at her inner wear and rubbed his member on her.

"Wife." He called again.

Having no other choice, Da Fan was just about to hit Feng Huang against the head when his body slumped on her.

Puzzled, Da Fan was just about to touch him when a soft snore escaped his mouth.

"You've got to be joking?"

After a while she managed to wrestle Feng Huang on his back and got dressed in her now dried clothing to stare out in the darkness.

".... other?" she heard a voice yelled out.

"Brother?" she heard it again.

Brother, how is that possible she asked when she saw the person.

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