Chapter Twenty-Six

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Sometimes grief comes into your life, like darkness and takes over your soul and threatens to kill you entirely.

The unending pain made Da Fan feels like an empty shell, her eyes shifted to the side again and became glazed with tears. As she blinked, they dropped down from her eyes and slid down her cheeks.

Da Fan bit her lips tightly in an attempt not to wail. Her lower lip quivered at the mere effort she made.

Just two days have passed since she'd buried their child. The Feng household had plunged into mourning. Black cloth was hung around the manor and a private ceremony was held.

Feng Liang, meaning Bright One, was the name Da Fan and Feng Huang had named their child as he was laid to rest.

Kuchen had said due to the lack of development, had estimated Feng Liang to be only twelve weeks old when he passed away in the womb. Though she shows no signs or symptoms of pregnancy Kuchen guessed the child just died in the womb. The fault could not be laid on anyone. The guilt that Da Fan felt left her feeling strangled.

Anger, she also felt anger. Anger at herself, at Feng Huang, at Cong Wei Yang, the old Madam. Anger at the world.

Feng Huang came to her room once since the burial. His lack of decisiveness made her bitter. Even now she could recall his anger and pain.


Feng Huang walked on the wet muddy path to Da Fan's courtyard. The rain had casted a shadow over the already gloomy atmosphere.

Feng Huang pushed open the door to her personal chambers, and stepped to the bed where Da Fan was.

Feng Huang wasn't sure if she heard him but she made no movement to acknowledge his presence.

" Da Fan?" Feng Huang called. He was hesitant to touch her as if she would break.

Da Fan made no movement to acknowledge Feng Huang, her heart felt bitter.

" Da Fan?" He called again, angry at her lack of response. " Would you talk to me? "

"About what? Is husband angry at his wife failing to carry their child. Are you going to send Wife back to her parents?"

Feng Huang grabbed Da Fan by the shoulders and lightly shook her.

"I am angry Da Fan but not at you. I am angry that you had to lose our child and how unfair the world is to you."

Da Fan wanted him to be angry at her. It was her fault.

Feng Huang let her go and she fell back onto the bed. Even now Da Fan didn't respond to him. She was like an empty shell, a puppet with its strings cut.

A hiss of breath escaped Feng Huang and in a fit of rage flung a nearby vase to the ground.

"You can forget about going to your parents. You're mine Da Fan, till death you're mine."

The door slammed after Feng Huang and the windows trembled at the sheer force.

"Watch her, if anything happens to Da Fan and I'll have your head.


As the season change and almost three months have passed since that fateful night. Meirin had gotten tired of her mistress moping. The cold blank canvas that's her face, she'd gotten weary at seeing it.

Feng Huang had dived into his work, with the ongoing unrest in the capital. Chawanian soldiers were wreaking havoc along with entering the country through unknown means. Every officials were on the edge wondering if rebels had formed.

Meirin marched right into Da Fan's chamber. Da Fan was staring out the window like a broken doll


To say it was unexpected would be an understatement. Da Fan clutched her cheek and stared at Meirin.

"Meirin?" Her voice a whisper.

Meirin's palm was red with the amount of force she put behind the slap.

"Wake up Mistress. You're not the Mistress I know. This weak, spineless coward who hides away due to a big hit is not my Mistress. Where is the woman who fights back tenfold after a hit? Are you going to let Cong Wei Yang win? Get up and be the strong woman I know you are, Cheng Da Fan, Second Wife f Feng Huang."

Light seemed to emerge and form an halo around Da Fan. It's warmth wrapped around her, the coldness receded to be reborn.

Light and an underneath viciousness bloomed into Da Fan's eyes. Da Fan stood from the window, less of a doll and more human.

"Thank you Meirin."

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