Chapter Forty-Six

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On the eleventh day after Marquis Mo's crimes were exposed, another grand scheme was yet again pushed into the light. The Second Prince and allies were accused of murdering small families of the capital, bribery, and extortion which caused waves of protest. The person who had accused the Second Prince was forgotten into the background, he was of no importance.

With the list of charges against the Second Prince; murder, bribery, and extortion, it was said the Emperor got so angry that he threw a chair hitting the Prince in chest making him cough blood.

The Second Prince was confined to his manor while investigations were ongoing. Along with his allies, the Second Prince mother was implicated by the Emperor's order and was confined to her courtyard.

Feng Huang once again stood in front of the Emperor. The Emperor didn't have a hint of a smile on his face but somehow Feng Huang knew the Emperor was having a jolly time playing with him.

"Minister Feng?" The Emperor called. "After your stellar performance in investigating last time there is no else this Emperor trust more to investigate these matters.

Feng Huang knew this was going to be a pain in the ass. He bowed his head and replied " Thank you, Your Majesty, for your trust. This servant will not disappoint you."

In the Second Prince's manor, Prince Jing Yi smashed a teacup with a vicious face. "Just who in the hell started this rubbish?" Thinking of whichever official dared to report him, Jing Yi wants to wring their necks.

The Prince never imagine his matters would reach the light. He began to pace in the small of office of his.

"Nevermind that small official, what's more, important is who the Emperor will send to investigate." General Cong said to the Prince.

General Cong had to be twice as careful with his his daughter married to the Second Prince he's already a prime suspect. Luckily he had the sense not to be seen too much with the Prince and not alone. General Cong wanted a way out in case anything goes south.

Prince Ying Yi tried to calm down. He understood within himself that whoever is investigating will determine his fate.

"Who is doing the investigation?"

"Feng Huang."

Jing Yi hissed his teeth and cursed. "Why him?" He mumbled to himself. The Prince then turned to General Cong. "Is there no hope of getting him to our side?"

"None." The General smiled coldly. Of course, he didn't want anything to do with Feng Huang. If possible he wants to kill the man himself and step all over his corpse.

"We can't kill him as this will make you a suspect. Only if we can stage his death as an accident then we can go that route."

Second Prince was little hesitant to kill a talented man like Feng Huang, if possible he wanted him on his side.

Seeing the Prince insufficient decisiveness, General Cong played the devil's advocate. " You want to be Emperor don't you Your Highness? The only thing standing between you and the dragon's throne is Feng Huang. Killing him will make you Emperor."

So enthralled with General Cong's words, Prince Jing Yi forgot he was only one of four sons.

"Yes. Kill him, kill him. No one can stand between me and the throne."

General Cong smiled deviously. "Yes, Your Highness."

Feng Huang went home right meeting with The Emperor when Da Fan found him he was in his study.

"Is this part of your plan too?"

Only a fool wouldn't notice that the whole scheme with the Second Prince was a setup. the Second Prince is a prime candidate for the crown prince position. Discrediting his reputation was one way to get rid of him.

Feng Huang knew that Da Fan was perceptive but never this much. He placed the scrolls in his hands down, turned in his chair and beckons Da Fan over to him. When she was seated in his lap, he smiled and kissed her lips.

"Wife has good eyes."

Da Fan frowned and pretended to be upset all the while her fingers were drawing patterns on his chest. "Husband didn't marry a blind woman."

Feng Huang felt lightheaded and started to laugh. "That's right. I married a beautiful, all-seeing temptress."

"Fool." Da Fan muttered. She knew Feng Huang was trying to play romantic but she could see right through him. "Walls have eyes and ears. Should this wife take any precaution?"

Feng Huang sobered up. "No, continue as you were. Your husband will take care of everything."

This was the last lap for Feng Huang and to ensure he and Da Fan live a happy life, some tall trees needed to be chopped down.

Silence encompasses the room. Da Fan smiled and leaned into Feng Haung's embrace. "Wife has no doubts. I have every faith in you."

"AS you should."

Da Fan wasn't lying when she said she had faith in him. What worried her was this type of case. Not everyone was going to sit still and wait for trouble to knock on their door..

"For the duration of the time, husband should take care of his health."

Feng Huang nodded. This was Da Fan way of telling him not to get killed

Da Fab got off Feng Huang's lap and walked to the study door. She paused just as she opened the door and saw Feng Huang staring right back at her.

"Husband?" She called to him. "You're not alone."

Da Fan walked out the door without waiting for his reply. Feng Huang looked startled by her words but began to laugh afterwards.

That's right he's not alone. He has Jing Long, his mother, Da Fan, that's why he must finish this battle.

Feng Huang face hardens and a person came out from within the shadows of the study.

"Master do you have any instructions for me?" The person asked.

"Have the families of these women moved from within the ward."

"Where shall I take them?"

"The Eastern Feng Residence."

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