Chapter Fifty-Two

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Feng Huang laid on the bed with Da Fan seated beside him. His hands gripped hers for reassurance, reassurance that she's real. Assurance that he's still alive. Almost dying left a bitter taste in his mouth. Feng Huang doesn't know why he saved the Emperor but he knew he just had to.

Da Fan saw a rush of emotions streaked across Feng Huang's face. It was almost comical the various faced he made in such a short time. She thinks that it is his actions of a week ago playing on his mind.

'He's so awkward.'Da Fan thought. Speaking of awkwardness, the Emperor could be said is the same way.

A knock to the door had Da Fan getting up from her seat. Da Fan wasn't surprised to see the Emperor at the door. He's been visiting Feng Huang every day since he'd been injured. The Emperor had placed top priority on Feng Huang and had nearly beaten an Imperial doctor to death when he placed death as the only option for Feng Huang. Luckily, Da Fan and Kuchen arrived at the palace in time or Da Fan feared she would be a widow right now.

The Emperor smiled at Da Fan when she opened the door. He walked into the room and examined Feng Huang on the bed. He wasn't surprised to see Feng Huang's eyes closed eyes as he was badly injured. Feng Huang looked pasty white and weak.

"How is he?" The Emperor asked Da Fan.

Da Fan smiled at the Emperor and greeted him. "This subject greets his Majesty. Husband is doing well your Majesty. He just woke up."

Da Fan watched as the paternal love the Emperor has for Feng Huang shining on his face. Both father and son were so alike, Da Fan thought, both awkward when it comes to expressing their emotions.

Da Fan cleared her throat and announced, " This wife will go to receive the Old Madam. She must already be here."

The Old Madam was informed of the rebellion and had fainted when she heard that Feng Huang was stabbed. The Old Madam was placed on bed rest for few days to recuperate before she could be escorted to the capital. Da Fan closed the door behind her hoping the two will talk and resolve any contention between themselves.

AS he heard her leaving, Feng Huang eyes opened and followed Da Fan's figure till when she closed the door. He stayed silent, not in the least bit fearful of the older man bearing down on him as he had nothing to say. The Emperor let out an awkward cough and sat in the chair Da Fan vacated.

Da Fan left the room and followed a servant into the inner palace. She hoped that the Emperor and Feng Huang would talk to each other. She could see that both men were just alike; smart, cunning, handsome and merciless to their enemies. She also knew that more than one secret will be exposed in these coming weeks.

Da Fan wasn't amazed to see the Empress and the Old Madam smiling and laughing together, the women have a history of being friends. Da Fan bowed and greeted both women after she was announced.

"Da Fan greets the Empress and mother."

The Empress had barely met with Da Fan over the past few weeks. Da Fan was busy nursing Feng Huang to health and the Empress was busy getting rid of the women related to the rebels in the imperial harem. The Empress was please to have Da Fan as her daughter-in0law and Da Fan too has a favorable impression of the woman.

"Fan-er, no need to be so polite." The Empress said. "I told you to call me Empress Mother didn't I?"

Da Fan smiled. "Thank you Empress Mother."

"How are you mother?" Da Fan asked the Old Madam. "Is your health well?"

After Da Fan and the Old Madam parted ways months ago, they didn't see each other but Da Fan made sure the Old Madam wasn't slighted. She didn't discredit the Old Madam to Feng Huang and had sent her various things to make her stay at the maor a comfortable stay.

The Old Madam smiled and gently pats Da Fan hand. This daughter-in-law is good. The Old Madam respected Da Fan and was appreciative that Da Fan didn't sought out to destroy her after all he had done.

"I'm as well as I can be. How's Huang-er? Is he awake?"

"Husband is awake and talking with the Emperor. I left to inform Empress Mother and mother of his improving health. The doctor says he needs about a month or so of bed rest before he's comfortable to let husband start doing any strenuous activities."

Both women sighed, happy of his progress. :Thank goodness."

The Empress eyes welled up with tears and she started crying. This behaviour startled Da Fan and the Old Madam. "I'm glad he's doing so well. I'm so glad. I couldn't bare it to lose him again."

Da Fan wanted to blurt out what's hidden so deeply in her heart but wisely kept her mouth shut. The Old Madam stepped up to comfort the Empress. "Don't cry now. Huang-er is doing so well."

"Your Majesty. Madams the Emperor has arrived." A servant announced.

Da Fan searched the Emperor's face as he came into the room. He didn't seem sad, heartbroken or angry that must means that his and Feng Huang conversation went well.

"Your Majesty, how's Feng Huang?" The Empress asked.

"No greetings for your husband?" The Emperor's eyes were especially warm when looking at the Empress. "Haven't you missed me?"

Da Fan felt goosebumps at the obvious flirting of the Emperor.

"Husband?" The Empress said, her ears turning faint red. "Must you?"

The Emperor laughed and sat beside the Empress. "This one is wondering how to introduce Feng Huang to society as my son." The Emperor's expression slightly tightened. "Feng Huang us my son but he's also known to be the late General Feng's son. He has inherited all of the Feng legacy. Rumors and gossip will run rampant. The branch family of the Feng will not stand for it."

The Emperor glanced at the Old Madam. "You have loved Feng Huang since his time of birth. If Feng Huang is known to be my biological son, it may cause you trouble."

Da Fan nodded to herself, some people may accuse the Old Madam of kidnapping a monarch's son in her time of bereavement, others may just likely cause trouble for her giving General Fang's legacy to a non-birth son.

The Old Madam looked visibly upset and Da Fan moved closer to comfort her.

The Empress looked at the Emperor in thought. "Does Husband has a way to counteract this?"

The Emperor nodded. "Feng Huang and I have thought of a plan, but it all depends on the Madam Feng."

Three sets of eyes turned to the Old Madam. "This servant will follow your will, Your Majesty.

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