Chapter Twenty-Seven

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At that time inside the main Hall of the imperial palace, Feng Huang was standing in the center of the palace hall along with another minister.

The Minister of Defense along with the Minister of Justice was explaining to the Emperor why each of their subordinate deserves the upcoming post.

During this time, General Cong and Prince Jing Yi thoughts were were on a different matter. Though the post or position wasn't mentioned, by the animated talk and gestures of both Ministers told them all they needed to know.

"Has everything been taken care of?" Jing Yi asked General Cong.

General Cong's an imposing man, with him nearing his mid fifties

General Cong's time as a soldier had given him a cocky and haughty air. Even as he tried to gain more political power within the Royal court, to many he was that of a war veteran, still living his glory days.

"Yes, in a few days time we'll know more."

"Your Majesty, his one believes that. Minister Feng is a qualified candidate." Minister of Defense Tian Kun finished speaking. Everything else was up to His Emperor Jing Ruan Qi.

Tian Kun saw the Emperor only smiled after he listened to their report. Emperor Jing Ruan Qi's a devious man, sitting high on his throne he likes to amuse himself and challenge his subjects.

He only has use for the strong and those who fell weak were prey to him.

"Minister Feng is to lead the investigation." The Emperor said.

At the same time several persons looked up at the Emperor.

"Your Majesty?" The Minister of Justice started to speak. This investigation was a means for a promotion. If one of his own man could lead the investigation and with his help and contribution could lead to him getting a higher post.

As if reading the Minister's thoughts the Emperor silenced him.

"Hear my decree. Minister Feng is to lead the investigation in the current Chawanian border breach. Minister Feng is to report his findings each week. Any persons involved will have their nine familial generation executed."

Feng Huang glanced up briefly at the Emperor. Seeing Feng Huang's gaze he smiled at him to which Feng Huang cursed under his breath. Which official would help him now, especially if that means any connection to Chawania could have them executed.

Feng Huang bowed deeply to the Emperor. "I hereby receive this Imperial Decree."

The officials were bewildered and still have their own opinions on the matter, they could only swallow them.

Emperor Jing Ruan Qi handed over his Imperial Decree while watching Feng Huang's calm expression. He really was a devious Emperor.


Da Fan dressed in a traditional red form fitting dress with a high cut. The dress had small white peonies embroidered along the sleeves and hem. Meirin put a small jade clip in her hair after brushing it.

"What time is it now?"

Through the copper mirror Da Fan could see that she'd lost a little weight, yet it didn't diminished her beauty. Her child-like features were almost gone, in its place was a more mature, charming beauty.

"Around ten in the morning." Meirin was satisfied with the look of her Mistress and was happy that she was now alright. Though the scar from the past months are still there, she knew her Mistress would become stronger through this.

"It's time to give morning greetings to mother-in-law."

"Mistress, should I announce your presence?"

Da Fan shook her head. "Some surprises are better given in person."

Da Fan led the way to Madam Feng courtyard with Meirin right behind her. As she passed the servants stared, they haven't seen the Second Madam in months.

Da Fan reached the courtyard just as Cong Wei Yang was giving her greetings. She stepped through the arch way and knelt on the ground.

"Second Wife greets Madam and First Wife."

Madam Feng and Cong Wei Yang gazed at Da Fan in shock. They were surprised to see her. A joyous smile graced the old madam lips.

"Second Wife is sorry for being unfilial these past few months. Please forgive this one."

Da Fan bowed low on the ground until the old madam rushed to help her to her feet.

"Don't be so. Mother is happy to see daughter is well. Daughter should rest more."

Da Fan smiled coldly and looked at Cong Wei Yang.

"I hope sister is well?"

Cong Wei Yang huffs and ignores Da Fan's greeting. What was she doing here?

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