Chapter Forty-Four

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Da Fan looked at Feng Huang after he sat beside her, after almost a week of not seeing him she missed him.

"Is Husband well?" Feng Huang gave Da Fan a thin smile.

"Mmmm, just tired."

Feng Huang leaned against Da Fan and closed his eyes enjoying the feel of Da Fan's fingers in his hair.

"Then rest." Feng Huang took Da Fan words and true to form succumbed to sleep.

By the time Feng Huang awoke it was night, candles were lit giving the room a gentle glow. Feng Huang got up from the bed, quickly getting dress to see Da Fan washing her hands preparing to eat. Feng Huang strolled up yo her dismissing Meirin's presence and stole a kiss from Da Fan's lips. As they came up for air, Da Fan gave Feng Huang a sensual, flirtatious smile.

"Did Husband miss Wife?"

Feng Huang pulled down both of them to sit at the table. "Husband did. What will my wife do about it?"

Da Fan saw that the other's face was full of smile and gave a kiss to his cheek. "Wife can only do her wifely duties."

Da Fan leaned into Feng Huang, whispering into his ear. "Husband should take his wife to bed."

Feng Huang was so tempted by her that he didn't even hesitate. " Has wife forgiven her husband?"

Da Fan nodded knowing what Feng Huang was referring to. "Wife has."

Hearing her reply Feng Huang swooped Da Fan into his arms carrying her to the bedroom. Merin, the witness to the couple's flirtation was forgotten, blushed red complaining in her heart.

After a night of passion , the two Da Fan and Feng Huang, laid side by side in the bed staring at each other.

"Feng Huang, what will you and the Prince will do when he returns? Feng Huang had already told Da Fan about Jing Long and their more uncanny resemblance.

"Jing Long and I have it figured out, but the success of the plan depends on that person's involvement."

"That person? You mean the Second Prince?" For the first time Da Fan seem confused.

Feng Huang reached out to pat the back of her head gently. "Do worry you little head too much. It will tire it out."

Da Fan smiled and began to chat about other matters. Feng Huang didn't mention the matter to Da Fan anymore and Da Fan was happy not to talk about it.

When DDa Fan woke up the next day over half of the morning had passed. She stood up from the bed just as Meirin was coming in to wake her.

"Mistress, you're awake?" Da Fan yawned rubbing her eyes, showing an unlady side to herself.

"Yes, where' husband?"

Meirin helped the daze Da Fan to dress then combing her hair. " Master is greeting General Cong in the main room."

Da Fan gave a listless smile. "Is that so?"


Feng Huang sat high up in the main room calmly looking at the man sitting before him. General Cong had come to the manor two hours ago for a need to visit his daughter. Strangely, the man had yet to mention Cong Wei Yang and Feng Huang wasn't interested to do so either.

"Time passes so quickly," General COng sighed and said to Feng Huang. "My little daughter has been married almost a year and half, yet still no sign of a grandchild. Is Master Feng not interested.?"

General Cong placed the blame on Feng Huang's loins, the General pointingly calling Feng Huang impotent. The generaal almost burst into an anger fit when he saw Feng Huang unoved to say anything.

"In the last few months I have see my daughter. My daughter is such an unfilial child. Feng Huang, why haven't Yang-er come to greet her father?"

Automatically putting the blame on Feng Huang, General Cong wondered why his daughter haven't come to greet him after being there for so long.

The hand that held the tea cup stilled, there was hints of mirth under the ice hidden in Feng Huang's face. "What does the General mean? I thought I had informed you yesterday when I said the First Madam was at home?"

The Hell You Did.

"The First Madam, by the order of the Old Madam is confined to her courtyard for the next two months to reflect on her actions. Who knew when I was away the First Madam would run into

the rain getting sick?"

"Why hasn't a doctor being called? Are you trying to kill my daughter to have her replaced?"

Feng Huang slightly furrowed his eyebrows and said, " The doctor was called the moment First Madam was confirmed sick. Her maid didn't mention First Madam sickness till a day had past. The doctor is working endlessly to prevent any side effects."

Ture to the tone of a minister Feng Huang continued,, "Replacing the First Madam, theses words, General Cong has spoken is too inappropriate. By law if the First Madam is deemed unworthy and unvirtuous and has broken her vows, she wan be divorced."

"This is how you treat my daughter? Bring her to me." The general yelled.

"As I have said before General, the First Madam is sick. If you want me to bring her to you I'll be happy to send her back to the Cong manor." Feng Huang expressionlessly stated.

Meaning if he send her back, she's a divorced woman.

General Cong clenched his teeth, "You will not get away with this Feng Huang!"

Feng Huang smiled a smile that said, 'I already did.'

The general seeing that Feng Huang wasn't willing to indulge him stood and said. "I'll take my leave."

"Take care general, I won't bother seeing you out." 

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