5 - Things Go Down

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After Ultra Magnus had left, Optimus and I went into town. In the middle of one of our conversations, my stomach had growled. Which explains why we are now stopped at the KO Burger drive in.

"Are you okay to stay out here real quick?" I ask Optimus.

"I will fine (y/n), go get your human fuel." He tells me and I nod, walking into the restaurant. When I get inside I see Jack. He's a guy from school and the only person there that is actually nice to me.

"Hey (y/n), how's it going?" He asks as I get to the counter. I give him a thumbs up and a smile. "That's good. What can I get for you?" I put up one finger. "A number one?" He didn't know sign language so I just nod.

"Okay, just a sec." He says and goes to the back to get the food. He and the cook are the only ones working because it's really early.

"Alright, here you go." He comes back and gives me my bag. I pay for it and leave with a smile and a wave.

When I get outside there is a car parked next to Optimus. One that looks very familiar. I internally groaned and try to stay as far away from their line of sight as possible. I throw away my trash from my food and watch as the people get out. It's Vince and his friends from school. I inch my way over towards the safe haven of Optimus' cab only to be stopped a couple of feet from the door.

"Hey, it's Edih!! Come to see that nerd, Darby?" Vince asks. I try to ignore him and reach for the handle on the door. Vince had other plans and grabbed my wrist before yanking me back to look at him. I glare at him and he raises an eyebrow. "What? Got nothing to say Edih?" He says and starts laughing along with his friends. Then the girls show up.

"Oh look! It's the mute freak from school." One of them says. "She can't even defend herself. A weak and useless freak. Not to mention fugly."

"Haha, whatcha going to do Edih? You going to sit there and take like always, or are you gonna snap like the other day in class?" Vince says with a smug look on his face. I stand there with as neutral a face as I can muster, and take it.

This had happened in class two days ago. That time was different though. They mentioned my Mom and Dad. I can handle them calling me names, but when it came to my family, I came unglued.

I know that I'm not supposed to engage them, and I'm not going to. I just have to stand a second longer after they quit. They do stop, but not after shoving me into the side of Optimus' alt form.

"See ya 'round, Edih!" Vince sneers and they leave. I sit there until they're out of sight. I climb into Optimus' cab and slump in the seat. "(Y/n), are you alright? I did not know if I should break cover and help you or not."

"It's ok. You made the right decision, and your cover must never be blown at all costs. I deal with them every day, and this time was no different." I explain.

"Why did they verbally and physically attack you, is that acceptable on this planet?" He asks.

"N-no. I'm just the exception I guess." I say as he drives out of the parking lot and towards the base. "It's been worse though."

"How so?" He asks with an edge to his voice.

"At my old school in Michigan, it was way more physical. I would have to hide the scars and bruises from my Sire. People would gang up on me after school and beat me because I was different and I was mute." I sigh but keep a straight face. "When Dad had to transfer here to Jasper, I was relieved, but it was only a little better here."

Optimus is quiet for a minute. "Does he know?"

"Who?" I question.

"Your Sire?" He's concerned. I can tell, but Dad can't know. He'd freak out and blow his cover.

"No! And he never will. He can't." I exclaim.

"I do respect your wishes, but I do believe that Ironhide would be understanding in this matter. However, it is your decision." Optimus states.

"Thank you for understanding Optimus. You're really the only person who seems to take what I say seriously." I reply and curl up in his driver's seat.

"You are welcome. I feel that you are the one that needs to be able to confront someone about your issue." He sighs. "People must be ready to talk, or else it will just make the situation worse."

I hummed in agreement. "Sounds like you and I have a lot more in common than I thought."

"Indeed" Optimus hums.

*Time Skip*

The rest of the ride back to base is filled with a comfortable silence, minus the few small conversations we have about the other bots. By the time we get back to base, I knew all of the bots' roles and relationships on the team. Bumblebee the scout. Smokescreen the cadet warrior who trained in the elite guard. Arcee the stealth warrior. Bulkhead the heavy (in the duty way, not the fat way) warrior. Wheeljack the ex-wrecker. Ultra Magnus the second in command, and good friend of Optimus. Lastly but definitely not least, Ratchet the medic. He's also Optimus' best and oldest friend. They all sound great, but Optimus, Magnus, and Ratchet sound like people more my speed.

"We are entering the base now," Optimus announces, scaring me into jumping from my seat. "My apologies, I did not mean to scare you."

"N-no it's ok. I was in a daze is all, no harm done." I say as we roll into the main hanger of the base. By this time it was about 3 am, and most of the bots are in recharge. All except for Optimus, me, Dad, and Ratchet who were having a conversation near the newly installed medbay.

"Geez what took you guys so long?" Dad asks after Optimus transforms and I land in his servo.

"We had to stop for food," I answer with a shrug.

"Alright well hold on let me transform, then you can go to sleep." He says as he turns back into the badass cobalt ford raptor that was his alt form (I'm a car geek guys, so don't be surprised if this book had a lot of gushing over the alt modes). Then he steps out in his holoform and pulls me into a hug. "Goodnight kiddo."

"Goodnight Dad. Goodnight Optimus and Ratchet." I say and walk over to the cab to sleep.

Very Important A/n!!!!!
~Ok so I personally follow the aligned storyline of the Primes. If you don't know what that is, look it up on the Transformers wiki. If you know what it is, everything I write in the next few chapters will make sooooo much more sense to all of you.

Will of the Primes (Optimus Prime x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now