24 - The Pack

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After the fight in Egypt, Dad, Ratchet, Optimus, and I went back to the house. Once we got there, all of us slumped on the couches and let out a sigh of relief.

"I never thought I would be so happy to see a piece of furniture," Dad said and we all laughed.

"Agreed. Would you all mind if I stayed at the house tonight?" Ratchet asked.

"Yeah, of course. Feel free to come here anytime you want Ratchet, you're family here and will always have an open bed to sleep on." Dad said with a smile and Ratchet thanked him. I was having a hard time staying awake and Optimus noticed as he sat next to me.

"I think we're going to head to bed. Good night you two." Optimus said and picked me up off the couch. Dad and Ratchet said goodnight back and Optimus walked towards the stairs.

"Dude, I can walk. You don't have to carry me." I said through the bond.

"I know you can walk, but I wanted to carry you." He replied and I smiled. Best sparkmate I could've asked for. He set me down on the bed and took a step back to phase into a pair of pajama pants. He went shirtless that brave son of a bitch. I rolled my eyes playfully and got up to change into my pajamas. I wore an oversized t-shirt and a pair of pajama shorts. After we were settled in bed, Optimus put his arms around my waist and pulled me close to him. His face was stuffed into my neck and he sat there for a while.

"What's bothering you?" I ask. He huffs and pulls back a little.

"I'm sorry. I'm sorry that you were in so much pain when I died. I would never wish the pain of a dead sparkmate upon anyone and look what I did to you." He said quietly with quilt laced into his words. I turn around and took his face in my hands.

"Look at me, you have nothing to be sorry for. There was nothing you could've done and you made your sacrifice for Sam. You made the most logical choice and I look up to you for it. If Megatron had gotten what was in Sam's head before they got to the Matrix, we would all be dead. Plus, Imma tell you a secret. Primus took away the pain. He made me completely numb after the first time I passed out. He said that I would need my strength for when I wake up and the pain would take all of my energy." I explained to him.

"Really?" He asked and I nodded.


"Thank you for being so kind and forgiving. I love you more than you could ever know." He says and pulls me into a kiss. My arms sat linked by his neck and his hands sat at my waist. He pulled me closer, deepening the kiss and brought his hands up to my face. They slowly crept up onto my head and his fingers threaded themselves into my hair. We pulled away from each other and smiled. Our foreheads came together and we ended up falling asleep.

~Time Skip~
The next morning I woke up to a video call ringing from my laptop. I got up with a groan and stumbled over to my desk before opening the computer. It was my Granddad calling. I answered it and jolted back when I heard his voice squeal. "Y/n! My baby, how are you?!"

"I'm good." I signed with a smile. "How are you?"

"I'm just great- why is there a shirtless man in your bed young lady?!" He gasped. My eyes widen and I look back to see Optimus get out of bed. His eyes snapped over to me and then to the screen. He panicked and phased on a dark blue t-shirt.

"That's Optimus Granddad, he's my mate." I sign and Granddad stares at me.

"You found your mate and you didn't tell us?!" He screeched. I cringed and motioned for Optimus to come and sit with me. He picked me up and sat me on his lap after he sat in the chair, effectively making my face as red as a tomato. Optimus smiled and greeted Granddad.

Will of the Primes (Optimus Prime x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now