16 - Megatron and Full Moons

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Optimus and I had ended up spending two days to get strength back. It was mostly me helping him get around so he would heal. The rest of our time was spent watching movies, teaching the bots how to play video games, and lots of sleeping. Today we decided to go back to the base to help out but when we got there it was only Ratchet and Raf.

"Where's everyone else?" Optimus asked.

"B-Bumblebee a-and Megatron" Raf mumbled.

"What?" I ask.

"Megatron escaped through the cordical psychic patch and is now in Bumblebee's mind. He just went through the ground bridge and to the Nemesis with a shard of dark energon." Ratchet said in a panic.

"Well shit." I groan to myself. We leave for two days and shit hits the fan. "Welp, let's go try and stop the inevitable."

"Ratchet please open the coordinates that Bumblebee went to." Optimus said and the swirling green vortex opened I front of us. We stepped through and all I could hear was feminine screams echo through the ship and Bumblebee running towards us.

"What the hell is going on?!" I yell as my armor forms around me.

"Go back through! He's back from the dead!" Bumblebee screamed and pushed us back through the bridge.

"That was very anticlimactic. We didn't even get to fight." I thought to myself.

"Today has been the worst day of my life! Optimus I'm so sorry, I couldn't stop Megatron from reviving his body. We're all in danger because I was too weak." Bumblebee shamed himself. Optimus put a hand on his shoulder and looked him in the eyes.

"Bumblebee, you did the best you could and I am proud of you. Megatron may be alive, but we will continue to fight." He said. Bumblebee nodded and composed himself before walking over to Raf to apologize for earlier. Optimus and I stood to the side and began to talk.

"So, Megatron is back. This should be interesting." I say and he nods.

"We just need to be ready. Our team is split up between Diego Garcia and Jasper, but that also means we can be two or more places at one time. We just need to get ahead of them now." He said and I hummed in agreement. I've sort of become his co-captain. He just discusses stuff like this with me and I give him my opinion on things if it helps.

"We can't ever catch a break can we?" I laugh.

"No, we can't." He chuckles and heads back to the ground bridge. I climb on the hand he offered me and we walked through he bridge to the house.

"Are you doing okay today?" Optimus asked as we walked over to his designated spot in the garage. Everyone had one where they could transform and park.

"Yeah, I guess. I should be asking you that." I scold. He sets me down, transforms, and then activates his holoform.

"Im just fine, a little tired but fine." He said and turned me around to go into the house. We got inside and the only one home was my Dad.

"Hey guys, what's up?" He asks from the couch in the living room.

"Just heading up to bed. I'll see you in the morning, love you." I say to him.

"Goodnight, love you too. Don't stay up too late alright, I don't want to have to drag you two out of bed again." He chuckles.

"Will do." I say back and go upstairs with Optimus trailing behind me. We get to my door and I flop on my bed. Optimus sat next to me and laid down.

"I love you. Did you know that?" He asked.

"Of course, but I love you more." I say and and chuckles.

Will of the Primes (Optimus Prime x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now