13 - Taking a Break

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So, it's been three days since I woke up. Not much has happened, but every night I train with Prima. He always beats my ass and I wake up tired as shit in the morning. We've started hand to hand combat and I get fucked up every time. Other than becoming the walking dead, nothing else has happened. Optimus has a new arm curtesy of me. I've been practicing the healing thing. Whenever I touch an injured bot, they heal almost instantly. Yesterday the twins got in a fight and Mudflap was missing half of his face. Healing him was torture due to non-stop talking and whining. I just need a damn break ya know? Speaking of breaks, at the moment I'm sitting in my room at home. I was working on my motorcycle earlier and decided to chill for a little bit. That's when I heard a knock at my door. I set down the tools in my hands and opened the door. There stood my mate in all his glory.

"Well, what brings you here?" I ask.

"I just came to see how you're doing. I have noticed that you've been stressed these last few days." Optimus said as I let him in.

"I'm ok, really. I just needed to get away from the twins." I say with a smile.

"They can be quite the handful can't they?" He chuckled and I laughed.

"So what else are you up to today?" I ask him.

"I don't have anything else to do so I figured I could ask to spend the day with you. Would that be alright?" He asked.

"You already know the answer to that." I said with a smile.

"Just thought I'd ask. Now, what were you doing before I got here?" He asked as he plopped himself on the bed.

"I was just working on my new weapon. Since I got new armor, I need a new weapon that can be integrated into it. So far it can transform into a sword, a battle axe, and a gun." I said and walked back to my desk where it was sitting.

"Very impressive. I assume that Ironhide taught you to make weapons?" He asked and I nodded.

"It's been a hobby of mine since I was a kid. Dad was pretty happy that I turned out like my mom instead of the normal little girls I went to school with. They were all obsessed with pink shit and dresses. Bleh" I said and made a disgusted sound.

"I think you would look beautiful in a dress." Optimus said with big eyes.

"Don't go soft on me, but thanks." I smiled.

"You're welcome." He chuckled.

"Wanna help me look for a new house? Dad and I decided to move closer to the base so we don't have to groundbridge home all the time." I explained and he agreed. "Alright let's get to it."

~Time Skip~
Optimus and I decided on a house we both liked and are on our way to check it out. The seller came to let us in and left us to our own devices. We stood outside and admired it.

 We stood outside and admired it

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The house itself was gigantic. It had six bedrooms and six and a half bathrooms. The living room was big and could fit a lot of people.

 The living room was big and could fit a lot of people

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Will of the Primes (Optimus Prime x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now