Chapter 25

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I groaned and rolled over, and rolled into a hard chest. I opened my eyes, and saw Greyson sound asleep. I took in his features. His broad face, a small stubble forming. His eyebrows were furrowed as if he was a in deep thought, his thin pink lips, looking very kissable. "You done checking me out?" I froze and looked up into his green eyes. "I-I.." he stretched and yawned. I sat up and ran my fingers through my hair. "How did you sleep?" I shrugged my shoulders. "I slept okay for someone who's a target for danger." Greyson sat up with me, and pulled me closer to him. "I'm gonna protect you Alaina." He stood up and pulled me with him. He walked us in the bathroom and in front of the mirror. "You are all that I live for Alaina. You're apart of our family now, and I do everything for family. I've told you you meant a lot to me and I still mean it." I could see him reaching in his pocket for something but he sighed, and released whatever it was.

"I want to take you out tonight." I turned around and looked at him. "I'll have your dress delivered up to you. I'm going to go make some arrangements. Shower and your things will be ready." He kissed my temple, and walked out. What is with this man? I shook it off, and took my clothes off. Given I was too tired to stand, I ran myself some bath water, and relaxed for a bit. Greyson has been acting weirder and weirder since we got here. I wonder what's up with him.

"Cara mia, your things are here." Greyson shouted from behind the door.

I cleaned myself up, and let the water out. I grabbed the nearest towel and wrapped it around me getting out.

I opened the bathroom door, and Greyson stood there in a TUXEDO!

I opened the bathroom door, and Greyson stood there in a TUXEDO!

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My jaw dropped to the floor. Greyson came closer to me and closed my mouth. "Close your mouth cara mia." I shook my head, and sat on the bed. "This must be a special occasion?" He bent down on one knee, and took my hand in his.

"It is a very special occasion." He kissed each knuckle softly. "Get dressed my love.." he stood back up and walked towards the door. "I'll be waiting for you in the lobby." He closed the door behind him, and I was left there alone. I looked on the bed, and noticed a garment bag laying there. I moved towards it, and unzipped it. Inside was a long black dress. I pulled it out and inspected it more. It was beautiful!

 It was beautiful!

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