Chapter 18

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I woke up freezing cold. Fuck why is it so cold? I heard water sloshing, and realized Alaina and I fell asleep in the bath. Shit. Alaina was still sound asleep. I lifted her and picked her up, carrying her out of the tub, and to her room. I laid her in the bed, and laid next to her. I looked at the clock beside her bed. 1:30 AM. Damn. How long were we in there? She snuggled into my chest, and fell back to sleep.

She's so cute when she's sleeping. I tried to fall back to sleep, but all I could think about was Alaina's safety. Alaina moaned in her sleep, squirming. I looked down on her. She had a frown on her face. I kissed her forehead and pulled her closer. I laid my head on top of hers and closed my eyes, falling asleep.


I laid on the couch thinking about the look on Alaina's face. She's fucking scared of me now! Why'd I kill them in front of her? I could've fought them off. Fuck. It was better them than her. Grey cares a lot about her, and he'd be devastated if something were to happen to her. I sighed, and got up. He wouldn't mind if I stayed here tonight. Alaina needs both of us now more than ever.


I yawned and stretched, looking around the room. I felt something weighing me down. I looked to see Greyson's tattooed arm around my naked stomach. NAKED!? I looked under the covers to see if he was naked too and indeed he was. Oh no. Please tell me we didn't have sex!? Greyson stirred in his sleep, and pulled me closer. "Greyson get up." He mumbled something and fell asleep again. "Greyson." I tapped his chest. He groaned, and opened one eye. "You sure know how to keep a guy up when he wants to sleep." I sat up completely and looked down on him. "D-did we.." He sat up as well. "No, we didn't. We took a bath and we both fell asleep. How are you feeling?" I looked down at my hands. I'm still shaken up about what happened. Adam killed people. In front of me.

"I-I'm f-fine...." He lifted my chin and looked at me. "Don't lie to me Alaina... I know you're not fine.." I sighed and ran my fingers through my hair. "I'm just scared. What if you get so mad at me and you kill me like......"

Like those people killed my parents and Adam killed those people. "Alaina, I would never get that fucking mad at you to where I kill you," I looked down. "Look at me," he lifted my chin back up. "I'm scared to lose you, why would I kill you? You mean a hell of a lot more to me than anything Alaina." He words shocked me. I never thought I'd hear the day Greyson Kennmore would say someone means something to him.

"You have nothing to be afraid of. You are well protected with me." He stood up, and stretched. "Would you like to accompany me in the shower?" I felt a blush rise. He chuckled, and pressed his lips against mine. I missed kissing him. I pulled him closer, and wrapped my arms around him. He groaned and crawled back in the bed. "Mm, someone's eager." He picked me up. "I'm guessing that's a yes to joining me." He walked me in the bathroom with me giggling. I guess we're getting closer with this we have.

1 hour later

I stood in the mirror looking at myself. Greyson appeared behind me, and kissed my neck. If you're wondering, no we didn't have sex. Just showered. This time around, we are playing by my rules. "Get dressed, I'm taking you to meet some people." I raised an eyebrow and before I could protest, he pressed his lips against mine causing me to melt under his touch. He pulled away and tucked my hair behind my ear. "I'll see you in a few minutes." He walked out, closing the door behind him. I sigh in content, and let my towel fall. I saw my things from the hotel sitting on the bed. Maurecia must've brought them in here. I picked out something random and threw it on. I grabbed my shoes and my phone from the table. I walked out of the room and down the stairs. "Alaina.." I turned and saw a very tired and worn out Adam. "I am so sorry.. I should've thought before pulling the trigger. I'm sorry for frightening you, scarring you." He looked down. I walked closer to him and lifted his chin. "It's okay Adam.. Greyson explained it to me. I'm okay. See? I'm not hurt at all. I'm still alive. I'm okay." I hugged his 6'3 frame. He hugged me back and let go. "Greyson's waiting for you in the living room." I nodded, and went toward him. Greyson stood there with his arms crossed. "Took you long enough." I rolled my eyes, and playfully slapped his chest.

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