Chapter 31

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I wonder what Greyson was up to upstairs. I went to stand, but a manicured hand grabbed my arm and pulled me back down. I turned and glared at the person responsible. "He'll never love you like he loved me. No one can replace me." She then caught sight of the ring on my finger. She glared at me. "You think you can trap him because of the little fake silver you have on your finger?" Before I could speak, Greyson stepped in. "For your information Stella, that there cost me $1,000, so I guarantee you it's not fake, plus you're wrong about two things here. I do love Alaina, I just loved to fuck you and even then you couldn't satisfy me well AND she does have me trapped but it's my choice to be trapped."

My mouth gasped open. Did he just say $1,000!? I looked at the ring on my finger and back to Greyson. He had a tired looking Dmitry in his arms. I looked over to Greyson's mom and she was smiling at me. "A ring like that, I'm surprised he didn't propose already." Greyson places his hand on my shoulder. "Soon. Real soon." My eyes widened. I looked down at my half touched food. "Ahh I think I'm done eating." I pushed my plate away, and stood up. I walked past Greyson, and up to our room. I paced back and forth around the room. $1,000!? $1,000!!! Greyson must be out of his mind! How could he spend that much money on me!? I grabbed my hair in frustration. I never had ANYONE spend that much money on me before! My parents had money but they never spent that damn much!

"Alaina.." I looked up, and Greyson was in the doorway. "$1,000?  $1,000 Greyson?! How could you spend that much on me?" He walked in the room and over towards me. "I would spend more than that on you, because I love you Alaina. I didn't know what love was until you walked away from me. I realized I had loved you all along after that. I couldn't bare the thought of losing you. The night at the hotel, I didn't trust my brother with your safety because it wasn't me who was protecting you. I fucking love you Alaina and I will prove to you everyday how much I love you. I've never uttered these words to a woman before who wasn't my mother and I never wish to utter them to another woman that isn't you. Dammit Alaina what's it gonna take to get you to see that. Everything I do, I do it for you." He got down on one knee. "I will do any and everything to protect you. I will lay down my life for you. I want you forever Alaina. I meant every word I said to you in Italy and I mean every word I'm saying to you right now." He stood up and cupped my cheeks.

"I want to marry you. I want a family with you. I want everything with you and only you." Tears started streaming down my face. "I love you with everything in me and I will stop at nothing to get you to see that." He wiped my tears away with his thumb. "Please don't cry..." I touched his hands. "They're happy tears." I hugged him tight. "I love you Greyson Kennmore and you are the first man I've loved that wasn't my father." He pulled away and got down on one knee again. "Greyson....."

He pulled a box out of his pocket. "Alaina Reece Spencer, I've loved you since day one. I can't stand the thought of losing you Everything about you pulls me to you like a magnetic force. Would you do me the honor of becoming my wife, my life?" I brought a shaky hand up to my mouth when I saw the ring. "I know I said I wouldn't propose right away, but I can't picture a life without you." I didn't realize a crowd had formed outside our door.


I nodded and more tears fell. Greyson took my promise ring off, and slipped the engagement ring on. He stood, and pressed his lips against mine. Cheers erupted behind us. Greyson pulled away, and placed my promise ring on my right hand. "I promised you I would marry you, and now I'm seeing to that promise." I wrapped my arms around his neck, and crashed my lips to his.

GREYSON (before proposing)

I watched Alaina go up the stairs and I fought the urge to go after her right away. "Mom, can I talk to you for a minute?" She nodded and followed me. "What's going on son?" I sighed and ran my fingers through my hair. "Uh oh, I've never seen you this nervous before. Is this about Alaina?" I could feel my hands clam up. "I'm gonna need Pim's ring..." Mom gasped and covered her mouth. "You're gonna propose!?" She said it a bit too loud. "Yes. I love her. I'm ready." Mom smiled and cupped my cheek. "My sweet boy." She took my hand in hers, and took me to her room. Mom and dad have been married for 20+ years.

I want to be married as long as they have if not longer. Mom pulled out her jewelry box and pulled out the little black box that held Pim's ring. Pim was my grandmother. She died 6 years ago, but not before giving mom her ring and saying "Whichever marries first, give them the honor of having something to remember me by." And with that being said, she took her last breath. "She would be very proud of you Greyson. None of us thought you'd be the first to settle down, let alone settle down at all." She put the box in my hand and kissed my cheek.

"Make me proud my son." I nodded and kissed her head. I walked out of the room and thought over what I wanted to say in my head before walking down to our room. Alaina paced back and forth with a frustrated look on her face.

Alaina.." She looked up at me. "$1,000?  $1,000 Greyson?! How could you spend that much on me?" I walked in the room and over towards her. "I would spend more than that on you, because I love you Alaina. I didn't know what love was until you walked away from me. I realized I had loved you all along after that. I couldn't bare the thought of losing you. The night at the hotel, I didn't trust my brother with your safety because it wasn't me who was protecting you. I fucking love you Alaina and I will prove to you everyday how much I love you. I've never uttered these words to a woman before who wasn't my mother and I never wish to utter them to another woman that isn't you. Dammit Alaina what's it gonna take to get you to see that. Everything I do, I do it for you." I got down on one knee. "I will do any and everything to protect you. I will lay down my life for you. I want you forever Alaina. I meant every word I said to you in Italy and I mean every word I'm saying to you right now." I stood up and cupped her cheeks.

"I want to marry you. I want a family with you. I want everything with you and only you." My pocket felt like it weighed a ton. Tears started streaming down her face. "I love you with everything in me and I will stop at nothing to get you to see that." I wiped my tears away with my thumb. "Please don't cry..." She touched my hands. "They're happy tears." She hugged him tight. "I love you Greyson Vincenzo-Kennmore and you are the first man I've loved that wasn't my father." I pulled away and got down on one knee again. "Greyson....."

I pulled the box out of my pocket. "Alaina Reece Spencer, I've loved you since day one. I can't stand the thought of losing you Everything about you pulls me to you like a magnetic force. Would you do me the honor of becoming my wife, my life?" She covered her mouth when she saw the ring. "I know I said I wouldn't propose right away, but I can't picture a life without you." I didn't realize a crowd had formed outside our door until I heard mom squeal.


She nodded and more tears fell. I took her promise ring off, and slipped the engagement ring on her ring finger. I stood, and kissed her with all I had. Cheers erupted behind us. I pulled away, and placed her promise ring on the right hand. "I promised you I would marry you, and now I'm seeing to that promise." She wrapped her arms around my neck, and crashed my lips to mine. How I can't wait to make this woman my wife.


I flared my nostrils at the sight of them being happy and in love. It made me SICK! I pulled my phone out, and dialed a number. "We have a problem. Meet at our spot." I hung up the phone and walked down the stairs and out the door. I got in my car, and sped off to my secret spot. I pull up to the building and park, pulling a cigarette out and lighting it. I inhaled a long puff before getting out, and heading towards the building. I punched in the passcode and entered. There I saw, them looking down on what's below them.

"Welcome back Stella. It's time to kick this plan into gear. You know exactly what you need to do." I put out my cigarette and pulled his head closer. I pressed my lips against his. "Oh I know exactly what to do baby. She'll wish she'd never stepped foot in this house." Sounds of whips and chains were all you heard below us as we stared down onto our slaves, sex slaves and soon, there will be a special addition added to this bunch.



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