Chapter 4~
Previously~Winter's eyes widened as she saw the soldiers turn around pulling their guns out and pointed it towards the pair." two figures have been spotted, one matches the description of #132. Over!" The soldier in the drivers seat spoke urgently.
:--::--::--::--::--::--::--::--::--::--::--::--::--::--"For fuck sakes Fantasy!" She roared as she grabbed her arm and ran.
Fantasy kept quiet, she knew that she had acted out of order and could get them both injured so she ran beside the other girl. Winter focused as she weaved in and out of the trees with ease. She could here the soldiers following, their shouts waking up the entire wooded area. Winter was quiet, too quiet.
"Get a sight on the brunette, don't hurt #132!" Shouted one of the soldiers who were lagging behind.
The other one nodded aiming his gun on Fantasy.
Just as they went to turn the trigger was pulled, Winter pushed Fantasy to the ground before the bullet hit either of them. She let out a grunt as she hit the floor, the bullet imbedded in a tree.
Winter dragged Fantasy her feet and continued to run, the soldiers were catching up, only ten metres or so behind them and firing at them.
" I told you to stay quiet why couldn't you just have listened!" She growled pulling the girl out of another bullets path.
Fantasy was starting to become breathless, her eyes watered in fear. Winter gritted her teeth pushing them to go faster. They couldn't continue running like headless chickens.
" I'm sorry! I was angry and-and I lost control!" She cried as she started to feel the tears trickling down her cheeks.
" calm down fantasy as long as we can lose them- ah" Winter screamed out as something pierced her shoulder. She fell to the ground writhing in pain.
"Go for the love of hell they want me not you so run to the... run to the bloody hatch!" Winter screamed as she saw the soldiers only mere metres away.
Fantasy growled but continued to run listening to the girl. She could hear the girl struggling against them but no more gun fire. She didn't look back she had already memorised the way to the hatch.
She could feel the warm tears flowing down her cheeks like a river that had been unblocked." dammit Winter!" She screamed loudly.
She felt her foot catch on something, she used her arms to protect her body. She let out a sob as her body hit the ground. She curled into a ball and sobbed her heart out. She had just lost all her family and yes she included even the kids and ladies as family. Her heart ached for them. Where would they take Winter? Why did the call her #132? Her head swirled with thoughts.
Her thoughts were broken by a twig snapping only a few metres from where she lay sobbing.
She looked up to see a boy no older then 16 standing there with a map in hand. He wore a tailored suit and shinny toe pointed shoes. He looked rich, even the bag on his back did.
He looked away sheepishly, embarrassed to see a girl crying.
" hello Miss?" He mumbled his voice giving away his poshness.
" what is it... pretty boy?" She asked in a hoarse voice.

World In Turmoil
Художественная прозаFantasy and Winter are both orphans, their lives have been difficult but when a war is on the uprising they must find away to stop it or everyone will fight. The new leader of a country far from them has plans, plans that may kill everyone if not s...