Chapter 16~

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Chapter 16~
/in Winter's dream/ slight flash back\
He fell to the ground as half a dozen wolves latched onto him. He was only a few metres away from the bed and crying girl. He felt them rip apart his body. He changed into his normal form. He tried fighting back but nobody single handedly without a weapon can fight against a pack of wolves.

"Hahaha you'll die freyja you'll die!" He screamed in pain as the took him apart.

Winter stood at the doorway, two children sat outside reading to their hearts content. It brought a small smile to her face to see them so peaceful.
"Hey Winee?" The brunette ask in a babyish voice which made the other child scowl at her.
" what is is Fanta?" She tried her best at coming up with a nickname.

"Do you really think your mama will come back? I mean you said she left you during the night to die righ-" she was interrupted by a growl.
"SHUT UP YOU DUMMY! She's com-coming back and I know it!" The girl screamed standing up flinging her book to the side.
It shocked the other girl who seemed ready to cry, her lip pulled up into a pout as her pupils grew.

Winter sighed watching her younger self attempting to apologise to her only friend. She couldn't help but turn around feeling as if it was to special to look upon. She felt something deep within stir at watching the  scene.

The world around her bent swirling in a circular motion as she was whisked away from the ground. The colours danced in patterns around her like birds in the wind.

She was soon placed on her feet in front of a building built from beech wood. It was leaning to the side and completely drenched in rainwater. She could hear soft voices talking from within. She walked inside the place knowing that inside it was held up by bricks.
"Mama, papa wook wook!" A small Winter called her eyes squinting in the dark looking for her parents who sat huddled on a bed.
They turned to the girl as she ran in holding a hand drawn picture of her family. They couldn't help but smile at her antics. She was like a ray of of sunshine in their life clouded with shadows and darkness.

"Oh my Yalva! It's wonderful, did you draw that all by yourself!?" Her mother cooed sweeping the girl off her feet with a large smile.
The girl giggled nodding her head and squeaking. Her strawberry blond hair whipped her father in the face.

"How's my little jelly belly?" He asked her as he bopped her little nose.
This made her laugh trying to do the same thing back to him but failing as her mother swung her around.

Winter felt her eyes begin to water watching them play around carelessly as if they weren't being chased by one of the most dangerous men on the planet.
"Oh god..." she weeped falling to her knees her legs unable to hold her any longer.

She turned away wishing that the memory would go away knowing that it would only dig up her buried past.
"Stop please...." she whimpered feeling the building she was standing in start to collapse around her.
The world started to disappear but the laughing and idle chatter did not. She hated the feeling as if all the emotions were washing over her like a wave.

She felt her body start to fall as the noise ceased to continue. Her heart ached for the nightmare to end with her suffering and even her life if that was what it took.

She felt her eyes pried open as a younger version held her hands tightly with tears spilling from her eyes.
"Can-can I just die now? Ya know-know right?" Her younger self pleaded looking directly into her own red eyes.
"Oh god, I'm so sorry Yalva I've failed you! Look at me! Mama would be disappointed in me!" She sobbed bringing herself into a hug filled with desperation and anger for her own mistakes.
"Mama would be proud, I'm sure, you made a friend and a lover! You never gave up hope that she would come back! You had a few setbacks but come on! Look at what you've been through?" Yalva spoke comforting her older self with a soft voice.
"Mama and papa would hate me for sure...." she felt herself become colder and the girl in her arms lose all her heat.
"Mama left you and papa killed himself to run away from you. You're right they would hate you, they probably couldn't even breathe the same air as you. Such a disappointment...." the voice became distant, disappearing into the darkness.
She became still, no longer breathing. The air was still and the world with it.

"After awhile you start to believe your little lies you know?" A female voice spoke.
"And then those lies slowly become the truth." A male voice croaked.
"But you can never burry the past, the past is always there." A deep voice roared.
"You can run but as they say you can not hide." A robotic voice whispered.
"Everyone has skeletons in their closet but yours are knocking to get out but you keep ignoring the wails." A voice that dug up memories called out.

She dropped the body that had gone cold in her arms to the ground. The skull caved in and her brain was viewable from where she sat. She started to shake as her head was filled with the buried past she desperately hid.

"STOP!" She screamed as the tears turned slowly too black gunk.

"Oh my look what's happened to my sweet daughter~? Hasn't she became such a monster just like her sad excuse for a dad~." Her mother slurred her voice thick with hate.

"Who could ever love you? It's just a joke Winter. Why would I ever love you?" Fantasy spoke as if she was stating the obvious.

"I don't understand why you cling to those who obviously want you gone, deleted or dead?" Maxon laughed rolling his eyes.

"I killed myself because of what you have become and you think you even have a right to call me 'papa'? Why don't you do as I did so everyone can finally be free from the chains you cursed them with?" Her father sneered his hatred oozing from each syllable.

She watched the people she loved most turn away and leave her for death like a teddy bear forgotten by time. She reached out but it done nothing as they walked away from her not even giving Winter a glance.

"I'm so sorry I'm so sorry!" She cried like a broken record.
Winter wanted so badly for this nightmare to end.

"Hey? Is that you? Chloe?" A female voice similar to fantasy's voice said.
"Emma thank god i thought you had disappeared! I'm so happy you're alive!" A voice much like hers cried out.

In front of her two girls were clinging to each other as if they let go they would die.
"Are you hurt anywhere? What happened I-i I'm so sorry!" The girl named Chloe sighed her voice giving away the worry she held.
"I'm a bit bruised up but nothing bad. What about you, you're the one bleeding!" Emma mumbled trying to get a look at the wound chloe was so desperately trying to hide.
"It's nothing I'm fine, we need to go before they find us, they'll not be far behind so hurry!" Chloe began to drag Emma towards her.

Fantasy appearing beside her with a shocked expression on her face.

"Ch-chloe are they-they who I think they are!?"Emma shrieked pointing towards Winter and Fantasy.
"That's not possible..." chloe stalled watching the two girls in front of them.
Chloe let go of Emma and slowly crept forward careful not to make in quick movements.

"Who are they! Winter They look like us!" Fantasy whispered watching on with wide eyes.

"They are Emma, but how!?" Chloe cried as she held out her hand for Emma.
Winter stood up ready to attack the girl's. Fantasy grabbed her girlfriend's wrist telling her not to attack.

"You can't be here! You're not real we created you how how!" Emma screamed digging her nails into her arm drawing blood.

"Neither can exist I'm sorry" a deep voice said and the world went white.



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