Chapter 15~
"My daughter must die to summon the rest of the night shards." The man stated laughing as another sob shook the woman."Sorry but you can't stop fate... just wait and watch." He responded watching as a screen appeared out of no where showing Fantasy crying over Winters body.
It broke the chained woman's heart to see her so broken hearted. Winter lay still like stone while Fantasy couldn't stop shaking. It was horrible.
"Why?!" She screamed trying to stop looking at them.
Though every time she tried looking away the screen appeared in her view. It was torture.
"This is their punishment for trying to defy fate, this is what happens when you go against the universe just like Yalva did." The man stood up smiling at the woman.
The other woman walked over to him as another being strutted into the room."Hello masters." It spoke humbly towards the pair.
It bowed down not moving an inch until one commanded its movements." You are to take Maximus then take his place-Well no need to take him we already have him. All you need to do is take his place. Once you have got in there kill one before it's to late. Kill Yalva while she sleeps. Bring Freyja here." He looked at his servant shooing it off.
The creature bowed once more then disappearing into the air away to fulfil its duty.
(Back to the vault)
Fantasy picked up winter as best as she could even though the girl was heavy. She slowly stalked her way towards the medical room heading up a few flight of stairs since the vault had many different floors for different places. He mind filled with thoughts of the death of her newly made lover. She managed to get there placing the girl on a bed roughly.
"What happened back there? Oh god Winter who done this?! What did Maxon chase?!" She groaned looking for some sort of manual so that she could treat her girlfriend.
She sighed defeated not being able to find anything. She checked the girl's pulse to make sure she was still alive and breathing.
She was happy that the pulse wasn't as faint as earlier on.
The wolves wandered in the room helping themselves to the space in the room. She tried her best to ignore the predators wandering around. A small pup followed a large wolf around the room which made her smile as she tried to rid her mind of the horrid thoughts."Cute...." she mumbled to herself taking a seat on a bed across from her Winter.
"Strange girl is she not? She seems to care for Yalva." A voice spoke from across the room.
She felt herself tense looking around in alert but only the wolves were in here with her.
"What the..." she sighed trying to calm herself down.
"She can hear us? She's similar too Yalva."another voice spoke much deeper than the last.
She stood up scared. Her eyes having a quick look over the place. Everything was unchanging. Nothing different.
"Girl it is me who speaks. Under the cabinets on the left to you. I'm the auburn coloured wolf with the grey eyes."The voice stated slightly annoyed.She turned towards the cabinets to see a wolf matching that description. The girl wolf walked closer slowly but steadily hoping not to scare the already spooked human. She kneeled down so that she could be closer to the wolf.
"Wh-who are you?" She spoke her voice giving away her fear.

World In Turmoil
General FictionFantasy and Winter are both orphans, their lives have been difficult but when a war is on the uprising they must find away to stop it or everyone will fight. The new leader of a country far from them has plans, plans that may kill everyone if not s...