Chapter 19~
/authors note at the end\
"I'm not weak I won't cry I won't oh god stop!" She lurched forward almost falling from the scaled arms of Ram who held her tightly."Shhh you're not weak you're strong shh" was the last words she heard as she lost consciousness.
###########*Maxon time*
Maxon stared into the eyes of his dead mother, she was chained tightly to a chair much like he was. He had no a clue on his whereabouts but had a feeling this would be the end.
He could barely turn his head without feeling the strap around it dig into his scalp.
He sighed as the minutes went on like hours. He tried his best to recall what had happened but he couldn't remember much from the last few days.
He remembered two girls who became lovers, he remembered chilling with his sister, chatting over a cup of tea with no care in the world. So how did the boy get here because he sure as hell couldn't remember. His memory was filled with blank blobs that wouldn't disappear no matter how much he tried.
He gave up with a sigh as he closed his eyes ready for himself to sleep.
The door was slammed open as a person was flung in to the room. He heard the door bang shut and the quiet breathing of someone in pain.
"Prince Maxon...?" A voice spoke out as he carefully opened his eyes trying to see the figure who spoke.
"I-I'm no prince." He grumbled once again attempting to move his head.
"Oh Maximus, you're so much like your father. Stubborn as a ram with a head full of wits. You have your mothers eyes, ironically she's ..." it was a female who spoke so fondly of his family making him crumble on the inside.
He didn't reply for a few moments terrified how this person who he had no recollection of knew him so well."Who the FUCK are you!?"he roared squirming in the chains that wouldn't give in and fall away like ash.
The woman stood up on her bleeding legs as she used her hands to undo the strap around his head. After freeing his head she began to work on undoing the chains which seemed impossible to undo without a strong weapon or the set of keys matching the lock.
"My name? I rather not say but I worked with your family when I was younger and less... damaged in a way." She kept her description vague making him create even more questions that he would undoubtedly ask later on."What's so bad about telling me your name? You know mine!" He growled as she continued to work on the chains.
She laughed at him as she managed to open the lock with a bobby pin that she magically had in her hair. The chains fell to the ground making a loud clanging noice as he quickly flung himself from the chair backing himself against one of the concrete walls. The stared at each for a few moments unable to decide on their next move.
"I'm going to ask again.WHAT.IS.YOUR.NAME?" His voice was louder than before and even more hostile to the woman who freed him from his capture(a chair, his capture at that moment was a bloody chair.)"My name is not important, all you need to know is that escaping is essential at this point in time. After that we must travel to vault 14 one of the few places it will be safe, so do you understand Maxon?" She stood up trying to ignore the blood that had dried over her wounds.
"No! Tell me your name or I will make sure your life will end painfully!" He roared standing up as well.
He felt slightly more annoyed realising she was at least a few inches taller than him somehow. It terrified him since usually when fighting... Females he used his height as an advantage."Oh Maxon, such a silly boy aren't you?" She chucked walking a few steps forward to imitate Maxon slightly.
"What-what do you mean by that?!" He stuttered pressing himself into the wall.
"I mean prince you may think your strong but magic is stronger." She smirked walking until she stood in front of him.
"Magic?! How-how that's banned illegal-against the law?!" He trembled terrified."Oh darling... I've been able to cast curses since I was five so." She placed a finger against his chest pushing him." I wouldn't try anything funny got it princey boy?" She smirked standing back from him.
He kept his back against the wall and tightly closed his eyes as tears welled up.
He could feel his heart racing in his chest like bomb going constantly off every beat. He whimpered."Don't act like that! Your dad would be disappointed that your being so weak!" The woman roared stepping forward again.
"S-stop please I'm-I'm sorry." He felt a tear create a wet trail down his cheek.
He brought up a hand, wiping it away roughly.
"Oh my god? Are you really just a five year old girl or something? You're really useless aren't you?" She sighed stepping back looking around the room for an exit other than the door that was probably guarded.She went to the wall opposite the door and slapped her hand off the wall. The bang echoed throughout the room He flinched at the noise. He hugged himself as he slid down the wall until Maxon could hug his knees to his chest. She growled slamming his fist against the wall once more with a annoyed expression etched onto her face.
"It'll be hard to blow up, teleporting isn't even an option. I could change its state if matter to liquid of a gas for 30 seconds but..." she rambled on about ways to escape the room."Can't we just stay here and avoid danger? Please?" He mumbled but the woman had other plans.
"Bullshit! If we wait we'll be killed do you understand?! We can't stay we have to escape!" She seethed as her eyes began to change colour from green to violet.
"Stand beside me now, cover your ears, mouth and nose now." Her voice was masculine as she placed both hands on the wall.He rushed over doing as he was told. Her hands began to glow red as a black substance covered the wall incasing it.
She grabbed his shoulders forcing them both through the wall as it seemed to turn into a jelly substance.He felt himself fall as soon as they were out of the wall, they rolled down a hill into a bundle of trees. He groaned as his head smacked against a rock of some sort.
"For fuck sake!" He heard the woman scream out in pain.
It took a few minutes until he was forced to stop, falling into a ditch. He closed his eyes as his vision began to blur and blacken around the edges. He felt something slimy slide across his arm sitting on top of his chest. It weighted a tonn restricting him from breathing properly but he didn't dare move.
"Touch the boy and you're dead I swear..." a female voice called out.
It was a few pitches higher than the other woman which made him tense.It sounded like his sister Lizzy but something was different. It didn't sound right to his ears as if it was just a recording not an actual human speaking words. His head was still fuzzy so maybe it was just his imagination but he wasn't sure so he kept his eyes closed.
"I think he's dead or unconscious take him back and back sure the woman is completely dead before you start any experiments." His sister spoke sighing almost as if she was bored.
"You don't need to use that vessel, you should use one of the stronger ones." A male voice spoke.
"I like this one, it's pretty. Good disguise-" the person was stopped as a loud bang was heard.Something fell to the ground with a soft thud. A scream, bang and another thud. He hadn't heard the other footsteps that suddenly appeared from out of no where.
"Found the prince." Another voice spoke out.
"Hurry up, the others are waiting and if he finds out we have went against him, we are dead.He felt the slimy object disappears and his world seemed to fall apart.
"Don't worry, you'll be safe in... in vault 14."
Not editedAuthors note/
This book is almost finished. After chapter 20 no other chapters will be released and I'll start on a new book. I'm sorry but I've had a great time writing this book.
Thank you for reading.
Check out vault 14 by Fantasy_Fox_14 .See you next week for the final chapter.

World In Turmoil
General FictionFantasy and Winter are both orphans, their lives have been difficult but when a war is on the uprising they must find away to stop it or everyone will fight. The new leader of a country far from them has plans, plans that may kill everyone if not s...