Chapter 13~
/Authors note at the end\
Previously~"I understand but sometimes change is for the better. I love you but we can't be together in this life maybe the next..." Fantasy pulled the girl into a hug.
Then she left, Winter wasn't able to confess her love. Fantasy knew that the girl loved her. She walked away with the boy at her heels deciding to leave the psychopath.
################################Her world began to darken as she tried to stop herself from falling to the ground. Winter felt as if she was disappearing into thin air. She looked at her hands and checked to make sure she really wasn't disappearing.
"F-Fantasy!" She sobbed letting herself fall down to the concrete.
He shoulders shook violently as if someone was attempting to shake her. She shook her head and shut her eyes wanting to disappear into the ground beneath her. She felt as if she couldn't live without the brunette who stopped her from murdering anyone who got on her nerves.
"Pleas-please Fantasy! Come back to me please I'll do anything!" She screamed.
Her voice echoed through the hallways like a broken record. She curled into a foetal position having her legs squashed against her chest and her head buried within them. She let out a blood curling cry for her Fantasy to turn back and comfort her.
She could hear padding throughout the halls coming much closer to her. The maker of the noises was no other than the mother wolf who had shown hatred straight off the bat to her beloved Fantasy.
"Young pup, Its ok. She wasn't meant to stay." The wolf sat next to her.
Winter let out another sob as she moved so she should cuddle into the wolf. She gave the weeping girl a lick on the forehead for comfort. The whole scene was saddening. The wolf only had so much experience in comforting things. Never before had she seen the girl so grieve stricken before. The tears left salty tracks down her reddened face . Her eyes blood shot from the crying while the bags that were usually faint were very clearly under her eyes.
" it's just like mama! She's never coming back Makani!"
She weeped into the wolf's fur.The Wolf didn't understand why the girls had parted way all she knew was that Fantasy has left because she had became sick of her. She sighed wrapping her tail around the girl, surprised at how thin the girl was (she could feel the bones through her top.)
"I know it's hard to let go of a loved one especially one you held so dearly but you will become stronger from thid outcome. The past is your guidelines and the future is your story." the wolf attempted to be sentimental.
She felt the girl slowly unlatch herself from her. She looked at the wolf and tried her hardest to give her a simple smile. The same fake smile she wore whenever she was around people.
" I'll wait for Mamá and Fantasy, they'll come back right?" She asked wishing for the impossible.
The Wolf shook her head as an answer to the silly question. Her eyes closed for a few seconds then opened
"you're abandoned by your love and your mother. We are still here. So shed no more tears but spring up with a smile wider than any smile you can muster." She chose her words carefully.

World In Turmoil
Narrativa generaleFantasy and Winter are both orphans, their lives have been difficult but when a war is on the uprising they must find away to stop it or everyone will fight. The new leader of a country far from them has plans, plans that may kill everyone if not s...