Chapter 2 (Volleyball Club)

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You ended in class 1-5, with Hitoka. The first hours were about presentations. You met the teachers and had already introduced yourself to some classmates who seemed interesting. Nevertheless, you were waiting impatiently for the bell. As soon as you heard it, you took your belongings and ran out of class.

"Hitoka-chan, I'll be in the gym if you need me!" you informed before running away from her, leaving the blonde girl in the mid of a sentence. She sighed, knowing already how enthusiastic her friend was. But Hitoka had to say that he missed her old friend around. The last years (Y/N) was barely at home, always staying late playing volleyball. Hitoka had no idea how her stubborn friend kept her grades so high. When they were younger, they will meet up to study and (Y/N) would show her some witty tricks to help her memorise and understand her notes. She missed her a lot.

Meanwhile, (Y/N) was running, bag in her shoulder, towards the already known gym. When she walked in the corridor, she saw two boys sitting in the stairs, waiting for something.

"Hey, what are you two doing?" you asked them, while approaching them. One of them had striking orange hair. You wouldn't admit it, but you felt the urge to run your hand on his little head. He was quite short too. The other one was taller, with dark blue short hair, and surprisingly he rang a bell in your head. 'Have I seen him before?'

"We wanted to join the volleyball club, but we were kicked out" the orange haired boy pouted, standing up. Your first impression on him was that he was short, but actually he was taller than you. "I see. Well, I wanted to join the volleyball club too"

"You?" the dark haired male asked, still sitting in the stairs "Isn't the female club using the other gym?" You smirked.

"I know, but I was planning to join as a manager" you stated, looking down at the familiar boy. You enjoyed playing volleyball, but since you had a bad experience in the female team, you decided to join the male club. Also, you would get the chance to see him frequently. "By the way, I'm (S/N)(Y/N)."

"A manager?! So cool!" The short boy exclaimed, surprising you. "And I'm Hinata
Shoyo, nice to meet you (S/N)-san" he held his hand to shake yours. You returned it. "Just call me (Y/N), we are the same age" you laugh. "My name is Kageyama Tobio" the other boy introduced himself, now standing to shake your hand as well. He was quite tall, you felt a little intimidated by his height, but you ignored it and took his hand. You three talked for a bit after that. They explained to you why they were expulsed out of the gym, while arguing with each other. You felt that they had a real passion for volleyball.

"Well, I'll go inside and see what I can do" you smiled to them, fixing your uniform before walking to the front door. " Thank you so much (Y/N)-san!!" Hinata exclaimed, bowing to you, almost touching the floor with his forehead. Kageyama mumbled a thank you and inclinated a bit his head. You laugh at their behaviours.

You hesitantly opened the heavy door, peeking on the inside. Some heads turned to look at you. You were nervous, entering the gym completely and bowing a little to them. "N-Nice to meet you, my name is (S/N)(Y/N) and I would like to apply as the manager!" You cursed yourself because of you stuttering.

"Oh, what do we have here! It seems you'll have company these year, Shimizu-san" a silver haired boy said, looking at the girl sitting in the bank. You looked at her slowly, and your heart almost stopped. 'OMG, she is so beautiful' your inner thought couldn't find words to describe her. "Wow, are you a first year? You're so cute!" a shaved boy appeared next to you. You blushed, and then looked at his face. It was a little intimidating, but you tried to fight the urge to scream.

"Now, now, don't intimidate her, Tanaka" a male who seemed to be older and more serious walked towards you. "We already have a manager, but I think Shimizu won't mind having other girl around here".

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