Chapter 6 (The ace?)

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The first classes went up quickly, and it was already lunch time. You always stay in class for lunch with Hitoka. It has been more than a month since you started the year, but you two still haven't made many friends. Sure, there were some people who you get along with and like talking to, but they aren't that close to be called friends. 

So, Nishinoya told you to meet him that day during lunch, and you wanted to introduce him to Hitoka, so you told her to accompany you. "But, where are we going?" She asked. "Nishinoya-senpai told me to meet with him during lunch, so let's wait at the corridor" you said. Hitoka smiled and nodded, but thought if she should leave you two alone instead.

As you two were walking off the class, you saw a little boy running towards you through the corridor. You also heard someone told him to not run in the corridors, which he obviously ignored. "(Y/N)-san!" he called and caught up with you. "Hello, Nishinoya-senpai" you smiled. "Are you ready to go?" he asked and then saw the blonde girl next to you. "Mmm, who is she?" the boy asked signaling Hitoka. She bowed a little and introduced herself. "I'm Yachi Hitoka, (Y/N)'s childhood friend" which Nishinoya answered with "Oh, nice to meet you."

After talking a bit, Hitoka returned to the class. She felt Nishinoya was a nice guy, so she was relieved about leaving you alone with him. Hitoka thought you two made a good couple and she silently wished you luck.  

Meanwhile, Nishinoya was telling you about Asahi. He was a third year and the ace of  the team, but in their last match with Dateko, all of his spikes were blocked. After that match, he took all the blame on himself, and decided to stop playing volleyball. Nishinoya got really mad and violent and he was expulsed for that. 

When you arrived at his class, you saw Sugawara already talking to Asahi. You entered and waved at him, but Nishinoya stood behind, staring at Asahi as the third year returned also the glance. Tension filled the air and Sugawara and you just stood there, awkwardly. Nishinoya was the first to break the tension. "Are you going to keep running away, Asahi?" he asked. Asahi gulped. "Nishinoya,..."

"Look, we need you in the team. This year there have entered really good players and we need the ace to complete the team. If we are together, Karasuno won't be called the fallen champions again." Sugawara claimed, putting his hands on Asahi's desk. "I'm sorry Suga, but I am not the ace anymore" He stood up and was about to leave. "So you are still a coward" Nishinoya said, looking intensely at Asahi. "If you are not coming back, then neither I am" Noya huffed and then he stormed out of the classroom. 

You looked at Nishinoya as he walked away. Asahi sighed "Sorry Nishinoya" he mumbled under his breath. "Nishinoya told me what happened" you said, looking at the giant boy. He looked at you. "I know what it feels like to be a burden to your team, but I don't think you should blame yourself" you told him, your eyes filled with determination as you talked. Suga then walked next to you. "Mmm? Are you a first year?" Asahi asked looking confused. "She is our new manager, she also plays volleyball" Sugawara said. 

"I came to Karasuno because I saw Nishinoya on a match, when I was still in Junior High. I liked volleyball, but didn't want to play in a team because I thought I would be a burden due to my height" you told him. "But, when I saw Nishinoya in a team, I felt really bad for giving up so soon. Even if I'm short, I can still play volleyball. You don't need to be really good to play. You just need determination. That's what Nishinoya taught me" Asahi kept looking at you, a bit surprise. "I'm (Y/N)(S/N) and I'm the co-manager of Karasuno, nice to meet you. I hope you'll change your mind and that this isn't the last time we see each other" you bowed and then walked away, leaving behind a surprised Sugawara and an embarrassed Asahi.

As you turned the corner you saw Kageyama and Hinata looking at you. They have heard everything. "So cool, (Y/N)-san, so that's why you entered Karasuno!" Hinata exclaimed, looking all excited at you. "We'll convinced the ace to return, don't worry!" Then Kageyama hit him in the head for being too loud. "(Y/N)-san,..." Kageyama said, you looked at him. "If you like volleyball so much, why don't you join the female team?"

School was over and you were now heading towards the gym. You saw Noya waiting for you outside. "Sorry for what happened earlier, I left suddenly" he apologised with a hand on the back of his head. You reassured him saying it was okay. "So, (Y/N)-san, I wanted to asked you something" he said. You looked at him wondering "What is it, Nishinoya-senpai?" Nishinoya laughed "By the way, as much as I love being called senpai, you can drop it. It is too formal" he said a little flushed. "Oh, okay. Then I'll call you just Nishinoya" you giggled.

"So, what did you wanted to ask me?" Nishinoya looked at you "If you like playing volleyball, why aren't you in the female volleyball club?" he asked. You sighed, actually it was something that you have been thinking about lately. "Well, to be honest I'm a little scared of joining a team" you timidly said. "Mmm? Why?" Nishinoya asked.

"I tried joining the Chidoriyama's volleyball club, but the others members kept saying that a shrimp like me would only be a burden. So I decided to just train alone on my free time." you said and your voice cracked a bit. Nishinoya made an irritated face "Hah?! That's not true" he said and and held you by your shoulders so you'll be looking at him. "Height is not necessary in volleyball, the only thing you need is determination!" he said. You blushed a little, because of his words and because of the position you two were in. When he realised that he was holding you, he became nervous and released you, blushing and muttering a small sorry. You giggled cheerfully. "Thank you, Nishinoya"

The next day after school, you headed towards the first gymnasium aiming to join a team. You heard that the captain from the female team, Yui Michimiya was the childhood friend of Daichi, Sugawara and Asahi, so you were sure you will get along with her. As you entered the gym, you saw two girls passing the ball. 

"E-Excuse me, are you from the volleyball team?" you asked timidly. The girls stopped and looked at you. "Yes, we are" the one with the short hair said. "Is it possible for me to join the club now?"

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