Chapter 24 (Connection)

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"Someone's arms are gonna fly off..." Hitoka shivered at your side in the bench.

While the older manager and your friend were watching intensely the match between Karasuno and Fukurodani, you surely was feeling a bit anxious.

'I need to talk to him' You thought. 'I need to apologise to him and make it up'

Even though it had only been a week since you two had talk, it felt like forever for you. The fear of not talking to him ever again wandered constantly on your mind. Nishinoya also seemed strange that day. He wasn't paying enough attention to the play and had already missed some of the balls.

"Argh..." You groaned and stood up, rubbing your head because it was starting to ache for thinking too much. Hitoka jumped a bit because of your sudden movement but quickly recovered and asked you what was wrong.

"I'm going out for some fresh air" You simply said as you walked towards the exit of the gym.

You sighed, looking at the mountains that could be seen from a far while sitting on a bench outside.

It wasn't like Nishinoya and you had a fight, nor did you have any kind of argument; it just felt difficult. Difficult to express yourself, difficult to be honest with him.

Once again, you let out a sigh. There was a little fountain by your side and you drank some water before going again to the gym, now with your mind clearer.

However, something stopped you when you turned the corner. Your forehead touched someone's shoulder.

You were quick to pull back, afraid that you had harm someone, but when your eyes met Nishinoya's you became even more nervous, completely stiff.

Nishinoya was surprise when he felt an smaller figure, so he rapidly recognized you.

"(Y/N)-chan? What are you doing outside?" He asked, a bit confused.

"I... came for a bit of fresh air." You slowly said, avoiding his gaze. He instantly noticed this and frowned.

"Well then, I'll get going" Nishinoya stated, disappointment on his voice. You were quite for some seconds, but as soon as he walked pass you, you realised what he had said and quickly turned around.

"Yuu-kun, wait!" You found yourself shouting, which was something you would hardly ever do. Nishinoya flinched at your sudden outburst, but then recovered and turned to look at you.

"I understand if you don't want to talk to me. It's alright" His expression seemed to soften after seeing your attempt. However, even if he had feelings for you, that didn't mean he could assume that you felt the same way. That's the thought he had after your failed date a week ago. He was about to walk away, but once again you stopped him.

"No, that's not it." Your voice sounded surprisingly determined as you took some steps closer to him.

"..." He remained quite as you visibly struggled to form the words you have wanted to say since you two stopped talking.

"I'm sorry. I shouldn't have acted like that." You said while rubbing the back of your neck as a sign of shyness. You were looking at him but couldn't help to look at the ground as you formed the next words. "I just... want you to know that I really like spending time with you."

Nishinoya blinked, astonished by your words. He observed you closely for a moment. You were looking at the ground while looking worried, your face of course, tinted in red. Seeing that you were truly sorry, he couldn't help a genuine smile to come to his face.

A sudden weight in your head made you look up from the ground, and you were surprised to see Nishinoya's sweet smile. The same smile that he had been giving you since you two met. The smile that you had missed so much. The smile that made you fall for him.

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