Chapter 10 (Fireworks)

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It was starting to get dark, and the team was thinking of leaving already. "Wait, every one. Look at this" Sugawara said, pointing at a paper on the wall. He saw an announcement on the wall that said there were fireworks in the park that night. "We should go!" Daichi exclaimed. "Yes, it is not far. What do you guys think?" Sugawara asked the team, as they all nodded, enthusiastically to see the fireworks.

"I don't particularly like explosions, but I guess I have no choice" Tsukishima said boldly, with a bored expression. "Come on Tsukki, I think it will be fun" Yamaguchi tried to convince him, but Tsukishima just stared at him with the same blank face.

"Fireworks! Fireworks! I love fireworks! They are like... GWAAAH!" Hinata exclaimed while simulating explosions with his hands. However, Kageyama, who was next to him, had a deadpanned expression on his face as he stared at his orange haired mate.

"The announcement say that the fireworks will start in half an hour on the main square" Sugawara read. "Then, we should be heading there already or we will miss them" Asahi said, therefore the team started to walk towards the plaze. It was near, but you still had to walk for some minutes. You looked at Nishinoya, who was walking behind the group.

You've been thinking all day that he had been acting quite distant, so you approached him. "Nishinoya" you called him. He turned to you, tilting his head a bit. "Are you OK? You have been acting strange" you said, and then, you put your hand on his forehead. "Are you maybe having a fever?" Because of your sudden action, the boy started to blush madly, and his head became hotter and hotter as he focused on your slender fingers brushing slightly on his skin. "Oh! You are burning, Nishinoya!" you quickly said, worried that your friend was ill. "No! (Y/N)-san! I'm fine, really!" He immediately said, putting your hand away. "OK, if you say so..."

You two kept walking side by side while you were thinking of possible reasons why Nishinoya was acting like that. "Nishinoya, do you like fireworks?" You asked him. Maybe he wasn't happy because of that. "I guess... I like them" he bluntly answered.

"Do you like them, (Y/N)-san?" He asked you. "Yes, I love them. They always get to cheer me up" you quickly responded. He smiled to you, seeing you that cheerful made him happy. "Now that I think about it, they are like you! You cheer me up too" you innocently said, looking at him with a warm smile. His smiling face soon turned into a shocked and red face, as he started to let out steam. "Nishinoya! Do you really not have a fever?!" You said panicking.

Finally all of you made it to the main square. Lots of people were there, waiting expectingly at the show. The team found a free spot under a tree where the fireworks will be seen perfectly, so all of you sat down on the grass and waited patiently for it. Luckily, Sugawara intervened between Nishinoya and you because he was starting to feel lightheaded, so he took his temperature. You felt relieved when Suga told you that he was OK. Some of the members sat besides the trunk of the tree, while others decided to stand. You were about to sat next to Shimizu when Ennoshita came to you. "(Y/N)-san, could you do me a favor, please?" He asked with pleading eyes. "Of course" you answered him. "Could you go to the shop and buy me some sugar cotton?" He asked you. "Hmm, OK" you nodded as you took the money he gave you to buy it. He seemed to be occupied regrouping the team and placing a picnic blanket for all. "Noya, can you accompany (Y/N)-san, please? It is quite crowded and she shouldn't go alone" Ennoshita glanced at Nishinoya, who shrugged. You two headed towards the stands as Sugawara warned you "Don't take too long, the fireworks are going to start soon!"

You found a stand that sells huge sugar cottons at a very economical price, so you went to that one. There were three more people on the queue, therefore you two had to wait for a bit. "I think I'm going to buy one too. Do you want some, Noya?" You turned to him, as you searched for your purse on your bag. He smiled widely "Yes, I like sugar cotton a lot. But let me invite you!" He said, stopping you from taking your money. "No way, you have invited me already to an ice cream today. Let me be a good kouhai and invite you to something" you chuckled.

When it was already your turn to order, the fireworks had already started. With two buckets of delicious sugar cotton, you two hurried towards the tree where the rest was. However, there were so many people that it was inaccessible and, what's more you two weren't able to see anything with all the tall people in front of you. "Tch, how do we go through all this people now?" Nishinoya said annoyed. You didn't want to miss the fireworks, so as soon as you realized that you wouldn't do it there on time, you took Nishinoya and led him towards a corner where the fireworks were visible. It wasn't a view as great as the one on the tree, but it was still good. There was a bench, but you two decided to stay stand and lean on the railing next to it. You placed Ennoshita's bucket on the bench besides you as you cheerfully opened yours and offered some to Noya. He gladly took a bit, thanking you.

The fireworks were breathtaking. With all shapes and colors, they have always got to amaze you. There were tons of them, bursting in the sky. Nishinoya was also surprised, staring at the sky with wide eyes. Apparently, the amusement park held this shows every week, but since it was on the outskirt of the town, he hardly ever got the chance to watch them. Some minutes passed, and it seemed like the scenery took your breath away.

"It's so beautiful..." You whispered, too focused on them to notice Nishinoya turning his head to you. He really thought the fireworks were beautiful, but when he saw you, with your sparkling eyes as the lights were softly reflected on them, with your mouth a little open and some locks of your hair messily on your face. He felt once again that feeling, his heartbeat increasing and his eyes widening. He had felt it multiple times, mostly when he was with you. But this time was different and he somehow knew it. The tight feeling on his chest only confirmed it, as he finally gave words to it.

'I really like her...'

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