Chapter 7 (All together again)

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The female volleyball club accepted you with open arms and were surprised to see your abilities. They gave you the libero position, so you were more than glad that you joined, even everyone was very nice. However, the girls didn't take seriously the training, just like Chidoriyama's team, so you often went to the male club gym to train with them and help them as a manager, of course. You were eager for the Inter-High so you could play finally with a team.

That afternoon, your teacher surprised the club with a new person; a coach. He proposed a practise match with a Karasuno neighbourhood association, however, just before the match started, Hinata noticed Asahi outside the gym. And so, he was forced to play that day. But all of you were glad that the ace returned, and most of all, Nishinoya was extremely happy and was coming back to the club. You couldn't contain you emotions neither, as you cheered for both teams in the match.

"I see you're now use to being around here, (Y/N)-chan" Shimizu commented. You smiled at her "Yes, it is quite nice being with everyone and also playing volleyball" you admitted "Are there no other reasons?" She asked with a sly smile. "Mmm, what do you mean?" You said confusingly. She smirked "I heard you came here because of Nishinoya" she said "Ah, yeah. It's a long story" you said timidly.

And right on that moment, they decided to take a break. Nishinoya approached the bench to take his water bottle and then turned to you. "Hey, (Y/N)-san, did you see my save from earlier?" he said enthusiastically "Yeah! It was amazing, good job!" you exclaimed, giving him a high five, as he grinned pridefully.

"Ah, I almost forgot to ask you, what hour do you want to meet up tomorrow?" He said a bit too loud, causing some heads to turn on your direction. But you two didn't notice. You thought for a moment as you two suggested hours. You concluded that it was a good idea to meet up at midday, so you could have time. After talking a bit more, the guys returned to practice. You noticed Daichi whispering something onto Asahi's and Sugawara's ears, as they nodded giving him a thumbs up while giggling.

You tilted your head, wondering about what they were talking about, as Shimizu waved her hand in front of you, saying that it was probably nothing important. But you could swear that she was smiling more often than what she usually does.

The next day, Noya texted you, saying that he would pick you up from your house. You told your parents that you were going out with some friends as they agreed, happy that you have made friends on your new school. You proceeded to go to your room and change. You decided to wear a little cuter than usual. You use to wear jackets and hoodies, but that day you decided on a formal long sleeve shirt and shorts with tights. You thought it was okay for just hang out and you looked good, specially after wearing all the week the school uniform and the tracksuit from the club. It was almost time as you impatiently waited. Finally, you went to your front door to wait for Nishinoya there.

You saw him from afar. He was wearing a blue hoodie jacket with long dark trousers. When he got near you, you noticed his blush while looking at you, so you decided to tease him "What are you red about? Surprise to not see me in a tracksuit or something?" You laughed and he nervously giggled too, shaking it off. It was rather cute.

"So, where do you want to go?" You asked. "I've been thinking of a place you'll probably like" he said, leading you on the direction.

After that, you two just walked, talking about random stuff. You tried to ask him about where were you guys going but he kept saying it was a surprise. You've been walking for about half an hour as you two arrived to your destination. You looked up, feeling excited as you see an amusement park. However, you didn't expect to see all the team waiting for you two in the entrance.

*the day before, after practise*

Nishinoya was dragged by Tanaka after the match. He took the smaller and confused boy outside the gymnasium, where Daichi, Sugawara, Asahi and Shimizu were also. As they approached the third years, Nishinoya could see all of them grinning. "What is it?" Nishinoya asked, almost timidly due to all the attention he was receiving.

"Well, we had an idea" Daichi began.

"Yes, we thought that now that the team is together again, we should do something" Asahi explained.

"And we also thought that it was a good idea to celebrate a 'welcome party' for out new manager" Sugawara continued. Nishinoya looked at them, they were really serious. "I'm okay with it, but why are you telling me this all of a sudden?" He asked. Tanaka put his arm around Nishinoya shoulders

"Well, well, we heard that (Y/N)-san and you were free this Saturday, so why don't you let us join?" Tanaka said, with one of his weird faces. Then, Shimizu took a step forward and looked directly at Nishinoya, who got nervous instantaneously

"We'll make sure to let you two have alone time, as you have already planned, so don't worry" Shimizu simply said, making Nishinoya blush uncontrollably

"I-I-It's not what you think, I-I just wanted to invite h-her to an ice cream as m-my kouhai!" He said in a hurry, moving his hands around and trying to cover his face that was redder than usual. "Yeah, man, whatever you say. Just don't do anything uncomfortable for her, okay?" Tanaka said, releasing his friend, who stood there unable to say anything.

"What are you all doing here?" You asked with wide eyes. The team captain took a step towards you "We wanted to do you a welcome party now that the team is complete" He said with a smile as his hand rested on your shoulder. "Guys, let's give her a formal greeting" Nishinoya stated loudly so all the team could hear him. And suddenly, all the team bowed to you exclaiming.

"Welcome to the team!" Even Nishinoya who was standing next to you before, was now in front of you, bowing like all the team. You became nervous quickly, as you told them a thank you. You couldn't stop smiling and you thought that you would never regret joining the volleyball club.

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